Action (part two)

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As Steve opened the door to the small, hole in the wall barber shop, a tiny bell jingled and a nervous Bucky followed the broad shouldered blonde in, and glanced around the shop. It smelled of aftershave, shaving cream, and a lemon scented cleaning product. A small, oldish TV played ESPN in the corner. Soon after they entered, a short, somewhat heavy set older man waddled out from behind a door in the back.

"Steven! How are you, my boy? You here for a trim?" The jolly, Italian sounding man said with a big grin.

"Hi Bernardo! I am doing great, I actually brought a long time friend here, this is Bucky, for a haircut today. Would you be wiling to take on this mess?" Steve asked jokingly as he dragged Bucky in front of him so the old man could see the mop of hair he would be cutting. Bucky smiled at him nervously, and the man grinned again.

"Of course I can, I am the best barber you will find in this city!! I can cut any mans mess into a handsome frock again!!" Bernardo said excitedly, his accent making everything he said so much more grand. Bucky followed the little man to one of the chairs, and he sat down hurriedly while Bernardo went about putting a sheet over him. Bucky's long and unruly hair was quite a scene, he was happy to be getting it cut finally. As Bernardo opened his mouth to speak, he was cut off by a high pitched singing.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" A little girls voice sang clearly, before a tiny dark haired girl appeared from the door in the back. "Steve!" She cried joyously upon the sight of the tall blond, who smiled widely and knelt down with his arms open wide to her.

"Marialena!" Steve was grinning as the young girl, with a stuffed doll in hand, hurriedly rushed over to him and jumped on him. Bernardo laughed heartily as Steve lifted the girl into the air, grinning all the while as young Marialena began babbling on about her favorite movie, Frozen.

"While Steven entertains my niece, tell me what you would like me to do with your hair, Bucky?"

"Well... could you do an old fashioned cut? Like Steve's, but a little longer?" Bucky asked softly, watching as Steve talked with the happy young girl.

"Of course, now just relax as i work my magic." Bernardo said with a smile.

Bucky closed his eyes as Bernardo snipped, sheared, combed and sprayed Bucky's hair into a new style, all the while listening to Steve entertained young Marialena a few feet away. After maybe 5 minutes, Bernardo clapped loudly and startled everyone inside the shop.

"Viola!! Look in the mirror my boy, tell me how you like what you see." Bernardo pulled the sheet off of him, and Bucky looked up and into the mirror, hardly recognizing himself. His hair was short, showing off his chiseled jawline. Bucky's jaw dropped and it took everything he had to keep his eyes from filling with tears. He looked the same again, his light stubble... He looked the same as that man in the pictures with Steve. He was James Buchanan Barnes again, and damn did it feel good. His shock quickly turned to a smug grin.

"Thank you, Bernardo!! Thank you so much!" Bucky cried as he jumped up excitedly. He hurriedly shook Bernardo's hand before dashing over to Steve whose grin was nearly ear to ear. Steve looked so happy, and bright. Bucky wanted to see him like that all the time, it was a good look on him.

Wow that was... That was gay. Wow. Bucky thought to himself, but pushed it away as Marialena pulled on his over sized jeans with an excited grin.

"My tio does a good job, huh?" She smiled up at Bucky. Bucky was so happy, he picked up the young girl (carefully with his metal arm) and swung her around in the air. She was laughing and smiling, the whole shop was echoing with laughter and happy chatter.

As the excitement died down a bit, Steve and Bucky said goodbye to Bernardo and Marialena (but they knew they would return soon) and they left the shop in search of the closest shopping mall.

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