Time Heals

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A week had gone by. One entire 7 day period, with no signs of Bucky. Steve tried to avoid all contact with anyone from the Avengers. He had also cut off most all basic contact with the outside world. He spent alot of his day on the couch where Bucky had slept, watching pointless TV shows and avoiding the news channels. He hadn't changed out of the white t-shirt, and black sweats he had been wearing when Bucky left. He hadn't showered, or shaved, he smelled sort of funny, and he was eating very little. He had received a call from Bruce, asking about what had happened between Natasha and him but he just hung up. It was when he received an unexpected visit from the Steel Suit himself that he knew they had me cornered.

"Hey capsicle, open up." He banged on the door. Steve glanced at the clock atop his TV stand, 2:17 pm it read. He stood up and shuffled to the door, hoping that maybe his ragtag appearance would scare Tony away.

"What?" He asked, opening his door to see Tony standing there with his usual smirk plastered on to his face. Steve huffed quietly, and moved to the side.

"So, how've you been? You never came to get your bike so uh, I brought her here. She works beautifully and shes parked outside." He said, walking inside.

"Thanks... I've been not so good. You should know, why are you here?" Steve grunted in reply, closing the door and heading back to his spot on the couch where there was now a lasting imprint of his backside, curved into the fabric.

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Great, well I don't want to talk about it."

"I don't care, you're gonna talk, and then I will leave or you're gonna sit there quietly and I'll wait here until you do." Tony stated in his typical, cheeky fashion.

"Okay, fine. What do you want to know? Hm? Why I had him here? He's my best friend, Tony. The only person who lives with the same experience as myself!" Steve's voice rose with my overwhelming emotion, which had been simmering in his stomach since the moment Sam and Natasha left his apartment.

"You know for a damn FACT that he doesn't have the same life experience as you, Steve. He's been brainwashed, trained to KILL, and abused by his observers. He has been tortured, he is not the same man you knew as a kid!!" Tony shouted in response, his defenses immediately going up as Steve began to let his emotion out.

"I am going to help him Tony!! I'm going to make him better! He'll be the same. I just have to have faith in him, and be patient!!" Steve barked, his voice cracking as his eyes welled up with tears. He gritted his teeth and blinked them away, he wasn't going to allow himself to cry in front of Tony.

"Steve, he's gone. For real this time. You need to get up off your ass, and live your life. You were given a second chance and if i were you i'd take advantage of that fact. Do you hear me, Cap? Time heals all wounds. You need to get up, and do something that takes your mind off this. Friends come and go, and that one is gone." He snapped as he jumped up off the couch and pointed out the window. Steve shot straight up off the couch, an unknown rage glowing in his eyes.

"You really don't get it, do you? You thick skulled, alcoholic, money wasting, rat. He is the only person who understands what I feel! You? Natasha? Bruce? I hate to say it, but none of you, have any damn CLUE what I feel. Bucky does! And Natasha ruined any chance I had at actually being happy again!!" Steve screamed. Tony grabbed him by the collar of his T-shirt, and pulled his face down a bit so he could glare directly at him.

"Your 'best friend' killed my fucking parents, Steve! Killed them! When i was a fucking kid! My parents died at his hand, and you still have the guts to try and bring him back into normal society? He's a mass murderer, one who's not gonna stop because his long lost best bud tries to fix him with some homoerotic bullshit." Tony snarled, his eyes reflecting the fierce hatred and intolerance of each other which continued to grow with every passing second. Steve shoved him off and the smaller man stumbled back a few steps.

"Get out, Tony." Steve grumbled, turning away.

"If only you weren't so damn insistent on believing that love and tenderness is gonna make everything okay, maybe I'd be able to get through to you!" Tony shouted and Steve whirled back around to face him.

"Get out, Tony." Steve repeated. "I don't want to hurt you, but with how you keep pushing you sure are asking for it." He growled. Tony snorted and shook his head, laughing at him. He dropped the motorcycle keys onto the coffee table and began making his way to the door.

"I just dropped by as a friend, but that sure as hell isn't what you need. Get a grip on yourself cap, he's not comin' back." Tony said just as he shut the door. Steve stayed silent, and unmoving, although rage was flowing through his veins at a newfound speed. He went to my bedroom and changed his clothes for the first time in a week, grabbed his duffel bag filled with rolls of hand tape, and left his apartment, headed for the gym where he had typically spent most of my time before the Winter Soldier incident.

Steve hung up the bag and began taping his hands, although He could barely do anything because of how badly he was shaking. He stood in front of the bag, and then he began to do what became so natural to him. He pummeled the ever living shit out of that bag, his hands going numb, his eyes tearing up and the bag beginning to break but he didn't care. He kept going, as tears began streaming down his face. Tony suggested that he was trying to 'cure' Bucky, with gay love. That thought just confused Steve.

He loved Bucky, but... did he love him like that? He loved Peggy like that.... both before and after he went under. Either way; did it even matter if he cared about Buck in a homosexual way, did he feel the same way about Steve? Did Bucky even remember him? He threw one final punch and the bag flew off the hook. He groaned and let his arms hang at his sides, as tears streamed down his face. Damn it. He sat down on the cold tile floor, letting the tears stream from his eyes. He pulled his knees up to his chin and began bawling uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry, Buck!" He choked out between sobs.

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