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Hey guys!! I apologize if this isn't the best, I'm so busy with vacation that I hardly have time to write! I was able to get some done though, but here you are!!

Bucky and Steve trudged upstairs to the apartment, both of them tired and stressed yet at ease with their reunion. Bucky was following behind his friend, a small devious smile on his lips. He was so pleased with himself, being able to remember the fact that Steve had always loved motorcycles. He was so happy, despite everything that was going on. As they got to Steve's door and he shuffled through his keys to find the right one Bucky finally allowed himself to relax. Bucky was happy here with Steve, but he didn't know how to show it without making things weird. Steve finally opened the door and the two tired soldiers shuffled into the room.

And Bucky hurriedly slung his arms around Steve's waist in a tight hug.

"Thank you." Bucky mumbled into Steve's chest.

Steve was shocked by the sudden affectionate gesture, and as he slowly lowered his arms around Bucky's broad shoulders he smiled.

"You're welcome, Buck." Steve smiled as Bucky pulled away.

Bucky was bright red, but he was happy. Despite his now healing stitches, and his emotional scars, he was genuinely happy. For once in a long time.  

"I'm gonna shower... you don't have to help me this time." Bucky laughed softly, smiling up at Steve. Steve laughed and shoved Bucky playfully.

"Okay well, go shower. And when you get out we can watch a movie! And i'll make dinner too." Steve grinned and Bucky smiled.

"Could I borrow some more clothes?" Bucky asked, his voice quiet in an almost ashamed tone.

"Of course, Buck. We could even go shopping for some for you tomorrow, before we go see Barnsey." Steve replied as he began heading towards his bedroom with Bucky slowly trailing along. 

"Oh... really? You'd do that?" Bucky asked as Steve began struggling through his drawers for something to loan to his friend.

"Well, yeah. You're my best friend, Buck." He replied, looking up for a second to smile at his apprehensive friend who was nervously fiddling with the tattered ends of the sleeves on his leather jacket.

"Thanks, Stevie... a lot. thank you." Bucky said quietly. Steve smiled and held out another pair of flannel sleep pants, and a clean muscle shirt. Bucky saw the shirt and sighed softly.

"What is it?" Steve asked, his eyes going wide with fear that he had done something wrong, which had upset Bucky.

"Is there something I can wear to.... cover my arm?" Bucky asked in a hushed and ashamed tone. Steve remembered one of his hoodies and he quickly began to rifle through his closet to grab it.

"Yeah, here you go Buck. Just go shower, I'll start making some dinner alright?" Steve smiled reassuringly at his tired friend, who nodded and shuffled off to the bathroom.

Steve went to the kitchen and glanced at his phone, which was just now erupting with messages from Sam. As Steve began reading through the barrage of texts, he couldn't help but laugh. Sam was so concerned, he thought that Steve and Bucky were the ones who were being treated and he was so panicked. Steve replied; "Hey buddy, just got back to the apartment. Were both fine, so don't worry.". Sam tested back less than a minute later, while Steve was pulling a box of Kraft mac and cheese out of the pantry. "Why were you two at the hospital?? How did you find him??" Sam questioned. "I'll tell you later, making food." Steve replied before tossing his phone to the couch where it landed with a soft thud.

As Steve began reading the instructions on the box, the sound of the shower was heard rushing in the background. Steve forced himself to ignore the thought that Bucky was behind that door, completely naked, and soaking wet. He really did have to force himself, and he really really had to try and distract himself from the idea. So he busied himself with boiling the water, and then he got some hot dogs out of the fridge and began cutting them up into small bite size pieces to mix into the noodles. As he focused on cooking, he didn't notice a clean and wet haired Bucky come slinking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, where he took a seat at the bar type set up to Steve's right.

"Whatcha making?" Bucky asked quietly, the sudden sound of his voice nearly giving the preoccupied super soldier a heart attack. Steve jumped back, almost bringing th entire pot of pasta with him as he jolted back to reality.

"Jesus Christ Bucky!! You scared me... you're really really quiet." Steve said, taking a deep breath and returning to his previous spot in front of the stove.

"Oh yeah, sorry... didn't mean to do that." Bucky replied with a small grin on his face, amused with Steves panicked reaction.

"I'm making macaroni and cheese, with hot dogs." Steve smiled as he pulled two bowls down from the cabinet and filled them each with a generous serving of the goey pasta.

"Okay." Bucky responded shyly, unsure of what to say. Steve held the bowl out to Bucky, who gratefully took the dish and began shoveling food into his mouth

as though he hadn't eaten in weeks. And he hadn't.

"Easy Buck, you don't have to eat so fast. You'll get sick." Steve said, walking around the counter and lying his hand on Buckys fast moving right arm. "And there's plenty more in the pot, calm down. I'll put in a movie for us, and you can get more when you're done. Alright?" Steve smiled reassuringly and Bucky looked up at him, his blue eyes reflecting both shame and fear. "It's okay." Steve said again, keeping his tone light and friendly. Bucky nodded slowly and followed Steve to the couch, where he plopped down and began eating again but now at a much slower pace.

Steve looked over the rack of DVD 's, finally settling a movie called "Donnie Darko" which Clint had recommended with the words; "This movie is seriously trippy, I think you'll enjoy it.". As Steve settled into the couch beside his metal armed friend, the movie began and from the beginning both old timers were hooked. Their eyes were glued to the screen, even as Bucky got up from the couch to get more pasta he stared at the TV with an intense curiosity for what was going to happen next.

Which caused him to walk into the counter. And Steve to laugh.

When they finished the movie, both men were full, tired, and ready to head to sleep. Steve went to his room to get Bucky's blankets and pillow; and his cheeks burned bright red as he brought them from their spot on his bed to the couch where Bucky would be sleeping. Bucky smiled and began setting up his bed while Steve turned off the TV and cleaned up his small kitchen. The big blond dork was having a hard time keeping himself from staring at Bucky, and he cute he was with his messy hair and over sized clothes. Bucky then curled up in his makeshift bed, and mumbled "Goodnight Stevie...." from under a layer of blankets. Steve grinned widely as he turned off the light and replied;

"Goodnight Buck."

Steve went into his bedroom and shut the door, then threw his shirt across the room and changed into a pair of grey sweatpants. He crawled into his bed with a small, satisfied smile on his face. Bucky was back with him, where he would be safe and sound and no one could hurt his best friend again.

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