Homeward Bound

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 Steve stepped out of the hospital following behind Tasha and Tony, and the dreary gray color of the sky which covered the already darkening background really just helped to set his mood for the remaining time they had today. His best friend had tried to kill him; saved his life, and now he had disappeared. And just to top it all off, it was about to rain.

Fantastic. He thought to himself. Either way, I am going to be in a car with both Tasha and Tony, so I wont have to worry about driving or anything. All I have to worry about is Bucky. Steve climbed into the back of Tony's black Altima, the one Pepper had forced him to buy so that they could go out without drawing too much attention. Tony drove like a maniac though, so it wasn't much help. 

Either way, Steve couldn't stop thinking about Bucky. It was his job to find him. It was his duty to reintroduce him to society. To help him readjust, to all the changes which occurred during their time out of the loop. But Steve had absolutely no leads on him. And he was no detective, so his attempts would more than likely be futile. Now, Natasha on the other hand.... she could find anyone, whether they wanted to be found or not. As soon as her name crossed his mind Steve remembered what she had been saying to Tony.

Natasha wouldn't willingly help him find Bucky, unless he was going to allow her the joy of blowing the remainder of his brains all over the wall. Or at least that's what he gathered based off the way her green eyes turned practically black when she talked about him. So he would have to do it himself. Steve had to force his mind off the subject however, the air inside the car was heavy with the tension between Tony and Natasha. 

"Hey guys, wheres my baby?" Steve asked. They both looked extremely confused before it seemed to click in their minds what he was asking about.

"Oh, your bike? She's up at the Stark tower. I was fixing her up for you, considering that she was nearly crushed by some of the debris from the helicarriers." Tony replied calmly.

"Well, when can I get her back? And please tell me you're still using the right parts for her. " He asked. Steve had an extreme attachment to his bike, she was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen, and she was built just like the old time bikes which he had desperately wanted when he was a sickly young man.

"Calm down Captain Attachment, I spent a few hundred thousand on you buying old time Harley parts for your baby so that I could fix her up just right. Come pick her up anytime tomorrow." Tony laughed in reply. 

"Thanks." Steve smiled proudly, he knew Tony liked him, deep deep down under all of his cocky, jerkiness, he was a good friend.

Was he a good enough friend to help him find Bucky?

Steve pondered the thought. Maybe JARVIS could track Bucky down, maybe his arm had a tracker or something that HYDRA had planted on him and maybe it was still emitting signals that he could pick up on...

But he wasn't going to try his luck. Steve forced his mind off the subject again, and looked out the window at all the passing buildings. It was just late enough that the nightlife was beginning to crawl out of their holes to roam the streets in drunken stupors.

Maybe Bucky would be out... The thought crossed his mind but he just pushed it away for another time. Bucky was probably hiding somewhere, out of the cold. At least, Steve hoped he was.

After a few more minutes with everyone making basic small talk, they arrived at Steve's apartment building. Tony pulled up front and parked saying, "Alright Cap. Here's your stop." He smiled at him as Steve nodded his thanks while he stepped out of the car.

Natasha rolled down her window quickly and looked at him, concern shining bright in her green eyes. "Call me if you need anything, alright?" she said with a small smile.

Steve rolled my eyes and smiled at her. "I'll be just fine, Tash." She raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I'll call if I need you." He grumbled, turning away and walking inside the building.

As he made his way up the stairs in a hurried pace, shuffling through his key ring in search of his apartment key, a strange thought hit him.

Where was Bucky? Was he searching for me? Steve stopped dead in his tracks, standing right in the middle of one of the stairs.

Where the hell did that come from? Why am I so obsessive about him? He'll be fine on his own! Steve tried to convince himself that Bucky would be fine, but he just knew that it was basically complete crap.

Bucky had no idea how this world worked, and he may or may not be a danger to himself or anyone around him.

Steve felt bad for thinking like that, but he knew that it was probably true. He was like an abandoned puppy. Probably alone, scared, and threatened. He needed to find him.

But how? He had no leads, no sort of evidence linking him to any specific place, and Steve had been asleep for the past day or so anyway!! Any recent activity involving Bucky was probably old news at this point. He had no way of finding Bucky, yet every intention of doing so.

What are we gonna do? A stucky fanficWhere stories live. Discover now