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When my mom told me that we were moving to the United States for her new job, it felt like my world was crashing down. All of my family and friends were in Toronto and I did not know how to just get up and leave without feeling horrible. I am already a shy person, and it took me a while to get out of my shell with the friends I have now, how was I going to do that all over again at a brand new school?

After spending half of the summer getting settled into our new California home, it was finally time to start school and I was dreading it. I kept telling myself that it was my last year and I could make it, but I didn't want to try and make new friends, I wanted the friends I had back in Canada.

The whole day was awkward, full of ice breaker games in all of my classes and weird looks from everyone. When lunch time came, I sat by myself, eating the nasty school food. I looked around the cafeteria, observing everyone around me, from all of the friend groups to the people sitting by themselves. I suddenly noticed a girl, sitting alone with her headphones in, munching on a sandwich. We were about four tables apart, but even from here I could see her big emerald green eyes. Her lips were plump and her skin was tan, and her dark hair went down to her waist. She was perfect.

Before I realized it, the bell had rang, calling all the students to go back to class. The next two classes flew by and then it was time for the most anticipated class of the day, which was choir. I walked into the room and I was the first student in there (not having anyone to talk to during your passing periods really gives you a lot of time). I found a seat and tried not to make any eye contact with anyone as they walked in. These kids were so bubbly and energetic, something I only was with my closest friends and my mom. I then saw the mystery girl from the cafeteria walk in. A rush of nervousness suddenly came over me and I kept my eyes on the ground. There was no way that she would ever talk to someone like me, so why did I get so nervous when I saw her?

"So we are going to play a game! This is just a little ice breaker game that will take no longer than ten minutes. I want you to find someone in here that you have never met or talked to before and tell them who you are, your favorite color and how your summer went! Ready, set, go!" Mr. O'Brian exclaimed. I let out a small groan and looked around the classroom, only to see that me and green eyes over there were the only ones left.

I sure as hell wasn't going to make the first move, and I doubted that she wanted to talk to me, but sure enough she walked towards me, taking a seat right beside me. I couldn't gain the courage to speak first.

"Look, I am pretty sure that we both hate these kinds of things, so let's just get it over with. My name is Samantha but you can call me Sam," she said. Her voice was soft, but strong at the same time. My brain turned into mush and I had no idea what to do. I looked at her hand, then back at her face. I finally gained the courage to shake her hand, staring into her sea green eyes.

"I-I'm Abel. Um, what is your f-favorite color?" I stuttered like an idiot. She probably thinks I am the biggest dork ever.

"My favorite color is red, how about you?" I was expecting pink from a girl like her, but red works too.

"Black. What did you do over summer?" I rushed out. She giggled and tucked her hair behind her ear. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I tried to calm myself down. Talking to girls was never one of my strengths.

"Um I mostly read a lot of books and watched Netflix. I hung out with my dad and practiced more on the piano. You?" She plays piano too? I think I am ready to marry her.

"I hung out with my cousins and mom. I am pretty new here I just moved from Canada, so I spent half the summer exploring California. Oh and I play the piano too." I said, my speech becoming normal once again. I was finally able to calm myself down a bit. I couldn't embarrass myself anymore.

"That's pretty cool. Do you sing or did you just need another class?" She asked me. I looked down at the ground contemplating if I should tell her I sing or not. Would that make me look weird? Ah fuck it.

"Y-yeah I sing. Not in front of people though, well I only sing in front of my mom. She made me take choir so I could get out of my shell and learn how to sing in front of others," I explained to her. Great, now I look like a momma's boy and this girl is never going to want to talk to me again.

"Aw that's sweet. I hope I get to hear you sing soon," Sam said to me with a smile that made my stomach do somersaults. Before I knew it, we were staring at each other, unable to speak any words. Her beautiful eyes were burning holes into my soul and I couldn't get myself to look away. The sound of the timer ringing finally brought us out of our gaze, and I looked right back to the ground. What the hell was that? That was so embarrassing. Mr. O'Brian asked us to go back to our seats and she stood up and fixed her cropped hoodie that showed a little bit of her stomach, showing off a belly button piercing. She turned around to face me and shot me a smile.

"It was nice meeting you Abel."

"You too, S-Sam," I stutter, still amazed by her beauty. She walks away, giving me a view of her plump backside. This girl is going to be the death of me and I haven't even known her for more than a day.

As soon as the bell rings, I notice that Sam rushes out of the classroom. Maybe she's excited to go to the assembly or something. I grab my stuff and head to my locker. I get everything I need and make my way to the main entrance of the school. I hate being around too many people so I said no to the assembly as soon as I learned it was happening. I keep my eyes on the ground to keep myself from making any unnecessary eye contact with anyone. I suddenly feel someone run into me and I stumble back a little bit. Before I have the chance to look up I hear a familiar voice.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" Samantha says picking up the items she dropped.

"It's okay Sam." I tell her. She stands up and looks up at me with her hypnotizing eyes. Quick Abel, think of something to say. "You're not going to the assembly either?"

"No I hate those things. I just want to go home and sleep," she laughs. "I'm sorry I ran into you I guess I should watch where I'm going."

"It's no problem I wasn't really watching where I was going either," I say, rubbing my hand across the back of my neck. I always do that shit when I'm nervous. Neither of us say anything and an awkward silence becomes thick between us. I mentally slap myself when she clears her throat.

"Well I'm gonna get going. I'll see you tomorrow Abel," Sam says and she rushes past me. I stand there dumbfounded, unsure of what just happened. This is why I can't make new friends! I'm too awkward to have a normal conversation. I finally snap back to reality and manage to get my words out.

"Hey wait!" I shout. She turns around and gives me a blank look. I jog to catch up with her and I begin to feel nervous again. "C-Can I at least walk you to your car?" Why can't I stop stuttering?! God I'm such an idiot.

"Yeah sure. Come on," she says and we start walking together. I mentally high five myself. I'm making progress. Well I found out that I spoke too soon because the whole walk to her car was terribly awkward. I was regretting even asking her if I could walk with her. We get to her bright green mini-cooper and just stand there, avoiding eye contact.

"Okay well thanks for walking me. I'm gonna go home now. I'll, uh, see you tomorrow?" She says, making me jump out of my light daydream.

"Oh yeah sure! Maybe we could eat lunch together or something? I noticed you were sitting by yourself today. Oh no that sounded so weird. I-I mean I wasn't like stalking you or anything I just was sitting by myself too and then I started to look around to see if anyone else was sitting by themselves so I wouldn't feel so bad," I ramble. I've decided that I just can't win and that no matter what I say she's going to think I'm an idiot.

"Chill out dude. I don't think you're weird," she laughs. "Lunch sounds great."

My stomach does more somersaults as we say our goodbyes and I see my mom pull up. I jump into the car and remove my backpack from my shoulder.

"Hey sweetie, how was your first day?" My mom asks. I smile to myself and look down at my hands.

"I think I actually made a friend today."


Aw Abel's got a little crush. This was definitely a shorter chapter, but I promise they will get longer! Thanks so much for reading and don't forget to leave some comments on what you think so far!! - Zoe 💞

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