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"Good morning Dad," I say as I make my way into the kitchen.

"Morning honey," my dad chirps as he finishes making his signature omelette. "I have to work late tonight so I won't be home when you get home."

I sigh and sit down to eat. My dad can never stay away from work for long periods of time, which means I'm usually in this big house by myself, always reminded of how lonely I am.

"Okay," I finally say with a tone of disappointment in my voice. I can feel my dad burning holes into my head as I eat my omelette.

"Sam I know you hate it when I am at work all of the time but someone has to pay the bills and save up for you to go to college. Life isn't cheap."

"Okay dad," I tell him with attitude in my voice. I shouldn't have to feel guilty for feeling lonely. Neither of us say anything else as I finish my food and put it in the sink. I grab my keys and my backpack and slam the door on my way out. Today is going to be a long day.

I didn't even realize it was almost time for lunch until my stomach started growling loudly. I glanced at the clock and noticed that there was only five minutes until lunch, and that I had practically daydreamed my way through this entire class period.

The bell had finally rang and all I could think about was food. I hope Abel has some money because I was definitely not eating the cafeteria food today. I make my way to my locker and grab my keys and my wallet. I slam it shut and see Abel approaching me with a smile on his face. He glances at the keys in my hand and his smile fades away.

"Hey, are we still doing lunch today?" He asks, a little disappointment in his tone.

"Yeah! I just didn't want to eat the school food today. Wanna go to McDonald's?" I smile at him. His face lights up again and I let out a laugh.

"I've been craving McDonald's all day, let's go," he says with a smile. He has a cute smile. We make our way to my car and get in.

"I've never been in one of these," Abel says as I pull out of the parking spot. I had a bright green Mini Cooper that was a hand-me-down from my cousin Kayla who left for college a year or so ago. Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful to have a nice car like this, I just hate that it sticks out so much.

"Yeah you don't really see them around that often." I take the sharp turn out of the school parking lot and Abel grips the handle like we were going to crash or something. I laugh because everyone who is in the car with me for the very first time does that. Let's just say I'm not the best driver out there.

"Chill out I won't kill you, I promise," I laugh. He lets out a chuckle and shakes his head.

"I'm just used to my mom's driving. She drives like a granny," he explains. We both laugh and I turn on the radio. Take On Me by A-Ha comes on and I gasp.

"I love this song!" I say as I start screaming the words. I look over and Abel is just giving me a look with a smile on his face. A pool of embarrassment comes over me as I turn down the radio. He probably thinks I'm the biggest nerd ever. "What? You don't like that song?"

"I do, but it's just like the whitest song ever," he laughs. I shake my head as I pull up to the McDonald's.

"Well I am white so that must explain why I love the song so much," I smile as I look over to him.

"Really? I would've swore you were mixed with something else," Abel asks.

"Well my mom was Romanian and my dad is just white," I explain.Abel has a surprised look on his face and shows a light smile.

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