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It was now Monday. This weekend has been nothing but a rollercoaster of emotions and I'm honestly glad that it's a new week. I get out of bed and take a shower. I decided that I wanted to leave my hair natural today, something that I hardly ever do. I also decided I wanted to do a brighter makeup look today, which is something I never do either. Who am I trying to look good for?

When I finish with my makeup, I go downstairs to find something to eat. I look out the window and see that my dad's car isn't in the driveway. That's strange, he's always home in the mornings, work or not. I take my phone out of my back pocket and go to his contact. I call him and it goes straight to voicemail. I hope he's okay. I sigh and decide to make myself a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I look at the time and begin eating faster, realizing that I'm running late and I still need to pick up Abel from his house. That kid really needs to learn how to drive. Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I answer not even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answer with my mouth full.

"Sammie, you were supposed to be here ten minutes ago," Abel's voice booms through the phone. If there is anything that Abel hates, it's being late.

"We can still make it on time, chill out," I tell him, slurping the milk from the bowl and throwing it into the sink.

"What you doing over there? Sucking dick?" Abel laughs. I choke on the milk.

"Abel! Don't talk like that!" I scold. He just laughs and the sound of it gives me butterflies. "I'm on my way okay?"

I hang up the phone and grab my things, and make the journey to Abel's house. I arrive and honk the horn, and Abel jogs to my car and gets in.

"Sam we're gonna be late."

"You know a 'thank you so much for taking me to school, you're the bestest friend ever' would be nice," I tell him. He rolls his eyes and smiles at me. That smile makes me melt every time.

"Thank you Sammie for being the bestest friend ever and taking the time and gas to take me to school. You look beautiful by the way." Abel says. "I've never seen your natural hair, I like it."

I blush and subconsciously run my hand through my wild curls. "Thank you, I wanted to do something different."

"Oh you tryna impress Logan huh?" Abel asks and I roll my eyes. In all honesty I wasn't even thinking of Logan when I was getting ready this morning, I was thinking of Abel. I now realize he's who I was trying to look good for, which is too bad because he only sees me as his best friend. What a waste of a look.

"Actually no. I'm doing this for myself."

"Mhm," Abel mutters and I slap his arm. I glance over and notice that he's wearing a dress shirt, with some jeans and a pair of Jordan's. He has his diamond earrings in and I can smell his cologne. I feel my heart sink a little. Who is he trying to look good for?

"Why are you all dressed up today?" I ask him. He just shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm dressed up for myself," he says in a high pitched voice, mocking me. I glare at him, trying to make myself look angry.

"Fuck you Abel." We both laugh, and Abel turns on the radio. My mind drifts off as I drive us to school. Why wouldn't he answer my question? He better not be dressed up for that Zaynah bitch. Wait Sam, he told you himself that he didn't like her like that. Or maybe he was lying? I shake my head to clear it from the negative thoughts. Abel is just my friend and if he wants to look good for other girls, I can't stop him.

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