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1 month later


So far, this has been the best school year I have ever had. Abel and I have been practically joined at the hip, which has been making my life a lot less lonely. Ever since our performance in front of the choir, which actually went way better than I thought it would, we have been inseparable. We eat lunch together everyday, and go to each other's houses after school to work on our songs for choir. Well, mostly we would just eat and watch cartoons but sometimes we actually work on something. Today was the usual routine. It was a Friday night and Abel was over at my house since my dad was at work, again.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Abel asks as we sit on my bed with our eyes glued to our phones. I sigh and throw my phone beside me.

"I don't know. We have literally watched every single movie on Netflix and I wanna get out of the house," I say while staring at the ceiling.

"C'mon Sammie, you know that we don't like people," Abel laughed.

"I just wanna go out and do something. I feel like I have cabin fever!" I groaned.

"God Samantha, don't be so dramatic," Abel scolds. "I heard there was a party tonight at that football player's house. The whole school was invited."

"Oh Logan's party? Everyone was talking about it today at school. You wanna go?" I ask, sitting up to look at him. His expression was uneasy as he struggled to make eye contact with me.

"I don't know Sam, you know that's not really my scene. Plus my mom would kill me," he explains while scratching the back of his neck, something he always does when he is nervous.

"She'll never know Abel! She said yes to you spending the night tonight. You'll just tell her that we watched movies all night! C'mon Abe please," I beg, looking at him with puppy dog eyes and my bottom lip poked out. He stares at me with an unreadable look on his face.

"Ugh okay. Fine! You're lucky you're my best friend," Abel says while rolling his eyes. I squeal and jump up and hug him, making him fall onto his back.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome, now get off of me and go get ready before I change my mind!" He scolds.

I jump off of him and run into my bathroom and start to put some makeup on. I decided to go with a natural look, putting on some light pink eye shadow with a bold winged liner and I added some mascara to complete the look. I then added some nude/pink matte lipstick to go with my eyes. I then let my hair out of my usual ponytail and fluffed it all over the place. It was already pretty wavy so I decided not to do anything with it.

"Sam are you almost ready? You take fucking forever," Abel yells from my bedroom. I roll my eyes and walk into my room. He glances at me and stares for a minute, his mouth open halfway.

"Close your mouth before a fly gets in," I say as I go to put on my gold choker.

"Sorry I was just thinking about how fucking ugly you look," Abel retorted. I laugh and flip him off.

"Fuck you Abel. You know you always look hideous with your bald headed ass but I never say anything," I snap and he throws a pillow at me. I was completely lying to him. I thought his bald headed ass was cute as shit.

"Let's hurry up and leave. I found the address and his house it literally a block away. Do you want to drive or walk?" Abel asks. I was planning on getting a little tipsy tonight and Abel didn't know how to drive so I figured it was better if we walked.

"Let's just walk," I say. I grab my clutch along with my phone and house keys and make my way downstairs while Abel follows me. We finally leave and begin walking to Logan's house.

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