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I promised Sam that I was going to give her the best birthday ever and since her dad has been out of the house so much, I wanted to make it even more special. Tomorrow is her birthday, and I had the whole day planned out for her. I really wanted to make her feel special, and I am even thinking about confessing my feelings towards her. It's a really bold move, but her and Logan have been getting closer and closer, if I don't tell her soon I'm going to miss my chance.

I decided to lie to her tonight and say I couldn't spend the night, when in reality I just wanted to surprise her. I had my mom drive me to the grocery store and I picked out the biggest bouquet of roses I could find. I then had her take me to McDonald's, where I ordered us some 20 piece nuggets, large fries, hot and spicy's and double cheeseburgers.

After all of that, I had my mom drop me off at Sam's house. There were no cars in the driveway, which made me happy. I just wanted Sam to myself tonight. I made my way up the steps to her front door and I rang the doorbell. Sam opens the door, my heart beating faster when I see her. She's so beautiful.

"Surprise! You really thought I was gonna leave you alone the night before your birthday?!" I hand her to roses and pull her into a hug.

"Abel, thank you. T-These roses are beautiful," she stutters. "Um, come in."

I can tell she's uneasy about something, her face is pale like she's seen a ghost and she's fumbling over her words. "You okay Sammie?" I ask as we walk into her house. Before she answers, I see Logan get up from her couch and put his shoes on. My stomach drops and my mouth goes dry. Why did she have him over here? He walks over to Sam and pulls her into a hug and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"I have to get going, my mom wants me home to watch my little brother," he explains. "It was nice chillin with you baby." All I want to do is punch this motherfucker dead in his shit. I feel jealously raging through my veins, and I try my best to keep my cool. He comes up to me and daps me up. "See ya later Abel, have a good night guys." He shows himself out the door. Sam looks up to me and the guilt is clear on her face. I examine her appearance, her hair is a little messy, her shirt is wrinkled, and she has a fucking hickey on her neck.

I walk into the dining room and put the McDonalds bag on the table. "I didn't know you had company," I say bitterly. Sam follows after me.

"It wasn't like that Abel. We were just watching movies," she says quietly, grabbing a vase to put the flowers in.

"Yeah, I can tell by all the hickeys on your neck," my words are cold like ice. "You had sex with him, huh? Was he finally able to get in your pretty little panties?" Sam turns around and glares at me with her mouth wide open, in shock.

"You're such an asshole! I didn't have sex with him and even if I did, why does it matter to you? Me and you are just friends, and you already have your little trouble making twat. Why are you worried about what me and Logan do?!" She raises her voice at me. I throw my hands up in frustration and I snap at her.

"Because I fucking love you Samantha! I love you more than just a friend!" I yell, my chest heaving up and down. My face is burning and I can only imagine how red it is right now. "So of course it matters to me what you and Logan do. I'm out here, saving up all the money I have and going out of my way to make sure you feel special and wanted, and you're over here about to have sex with the nigga! My heart breaks every time I see you with him!" I don't even care how corny I sound right now, these are true feelings and she needs to know this shit.

"Abel how was I supposed to know any of this? You barely spend any time with me anymore because you're with Zaynah! You don't think I feel the same way about you?! I've had feelings for you since the night I took you home and you kissed me on my cheek. I love you so much Abel but I didn't know you were feeling the same way about me. I was trying to move on so I could forget the feelings I had for you," she explains, tears streaming down her face. A little bit of relief washes over me hearing her say she loves me too, but I'm still so angry. Picturing what she was doing with Logan makes my blood boil.

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