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I pull up to Abel's house, and quickly get out of my car, running to the front door. I grab the spare key out of the flower pot and unlock the door and run up the stairs to his room. His  bedroom door is wide open and I see Abel slumped on the floor with his back against his bed. His phone lays in his hand and his head is drooping down. There is an empty bottle of Hennessy by his side and lines of coke lined up on the nightstand and his face is very pale. The scene in front of me makes me panic and it takes everything in me not to run away.

I rush over to him and pick his head up in my hands, putting my ear to his mouth to listen for breath sounds. I hear light breathing but I still put my fingers to his neck to check his pulse and it's so weak that I can barely feel it.

"No, no please no. Abel, baby I'm here. Can you hear me?" I slap his cheeks with both of my hands, trying to get him to wake up. He doesn't respond and I take his phone out of his hand and dial 911. My hands shake tremendously and sobs are threatening to escape my mouth, but I have to hold it together. I need to help him.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"M-my boyfriend in unconscious, I t-think he overdosed on pain medication. His pulse is very weak and his face is white. He needs to go to the hospital, I need an ambulance to come," I ramble. The sobs begin to pour out and I start to hyperventilate. This is too much for me.

"Okay ma'am slow down. Is he still breathing?"

"Yes but it is very light," I cry.

"Okay, what I need you to do is to lay him down on his back, and watch his breathing until the ambulance arrives. If he stops breathing, you need to preform mouth to mouth resuscitation, do you know how to do that?"

"Yes, I learned when I was a lifeguard," I tell her the unnecessary information. I've never been so thankful for being a lifeguard until this very moment. In fact I used to hate it.

"Great. Just pay very close attention to his breathing and to his pulse. We got your location from your cell phone, the paramedics are on their way and will arrive in about five minutes. Stay on the phone with me until they get there okay, honey?" The younger sounding lady says to me through the phone. I put the phone on speaker and do what she told me, laying Abel down on the floor and keeping my ear next to his mouth. His face seems to get whiter by the second and his breathing slowly stops.

"Oh no, no no no. He stopped breathing!" I yell.

"Alright honey calm down, do what I told you to do. Does he still have a pulse?" the operator tells me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, preparing myself for what I'm going to do next if I don't feel a pulse. I put my fingers to his neck and I still feel his faint heartbeat.

"Yes, his heart is still beating, I'm going to start mouth to mouth right now," I say. I lean over Abel and tilt his head back and plug his nose. I put my lips onto his cold ones and push my air into his mouth. I give two breaths and pull away to check if his chest is rising up and down. He doesn't breathe on his own and I repeat the process. I pull away from his mouth again and he still shows no signs of breathing, and I begin to get frustrated.  "C'mon Abel, breathe!"

"Keep giving him mouth to mouth, the paramedics should be there anytime," the operator says. I don't answer and I continue to try and revive him. I soon hear the paramedics rushing into the house. They bombard into the room with all of their equipment and I pull away from Abel.

"I've been giving him mouth to mouth and he's still not breathing on his own," I cry. "P-please help him, he can't die like this. Please, he's all I have!"

"Ma'am come with me, it's going to be okay," one of the other paramedics tells me as he walks into the room.

"No, I can't leave him!"

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