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tw: yet another chapter of Bryson being an asshole so don't read if you're not comfortable with it :)


"So did everything go okay in the studio today?" I ask Bryson as he drives us home. I've been trying to forget and be normal again, so I figure I'll just fake it until I make it in this relationship now.

"It was good baby. Abel's friends are sort of a distraction but they're chill as fuck. I have to go back tomorrow again and you two are gonna come with. I got something I wanna show you this time," he explains.

"Something you wanna show me?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's a song I've been working on. I just wrote it yesterday," he tells me.

"Well I'm excited to hear it," I lightly smile. He grabs my hand and kisses on my knuckles.

"I love you so much baby girl," he says. I feel hesitant to say it back, but I still can't help the faint flutters in my stomach that I feel when he tells me he loves me.

"I love you too, Bryson."

"I just don't think you understand. I've never had a girl make me feel the way you do. You put up with my crazy personality and you take such good care of Harley. I don't know what I did to get you in my life, but God really blessed me," he continues. I don't know what has him confessing his feelings, but it's making me think that maybe he was truly just angry the other night. He didn't mean to hurt me intentionally.

"I could say the same about you," I smile. We continue the rest of the ride home having small conversations while Harley sleeps in her car seat.

We finally arrive home and Bryson takes Harley out of her car seat and carries her up the three flight of stairs to our apartment. I unlock the door and slip off my shoes while Bryson puts Harley to bed.

I plop down on the couch and pull out my phone. I see that I have a text from Logan and I go to open it.

Logan👺: hey shorty, I haven't heard from you and I just wanted to check in. Idk if you talked to Nat but I got some shit to catch you up on. You wanna come over later tonight?

I smile at the message and lightly chuckle. Logan can gossip and spill tea more than any girl I know.

"What's on that phone that got you cheesin' like that?" Bryson's voice speaks up behind me and I jump a little.

"Jeez don't scare me like that," I laugh, but Bryson's face just stays serious. My smile fades and I clear my throat. Before I can say anything, Bryson snatches my phone from my hand and I reach up to grab it but he walks away from me.

"Samantha, I'm getting real tired of these games you're playing with me," he tells me after reading the message Logan sent me. He sets my phone down on the dining room table and approaches me.

"I'm not playing any games with you," I say quietly, not wanting this to escalate. "Logan has been my best friend since high school. I can't just cut him off. He's like my brother."

"Brothers don't call you pet names and always flirt with you all the time. Just tell me the fucking truth Sam," Bryson says, his voice continuing to raise.

"Baby, I am telling you the truth. I would never cheat on you. He's just my friend," I say, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. Bryson sighs and rubs his hands over his face in a frustrated manner.

"You're not going over to his house. I want you to stop talking to that corny ass nigga," he demands.

"I don't think that's very fair, Bryson," I mumble. Bryson grabs me by my wrist and pulls me harshly towards him. He grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls on it so that I'm looking up at him. The grip on both my wrist and my hair is extremely painful and I cry out.

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