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*Marci POV*

Whrr, click! "Oh hell how do I turn that noise off again??" I open one eye to see Anna standing over us, balancing on one foot with her phone stuck out over us.

M: "Should I ask?"

Anna: "Don't worry it's Instagram worthy." She swipes a few times, nods her head then turns to leave.

Anna: "Dinner in one hour..." I begin to reposition myself so that Daniel and I are spooning when he mumbles something.

M: "Hmm?"

D: "Stop moving we have an hour she said." He pulls me closer to him and sticks his head in the crook of my neck. I could of sworn I felt something on my shoulder but it could of been my hair falling.. Oh well.

Time skip: one hour

I roll over and stick my hand out, whacking Daniel's face in the process.

D: "What the heck Marciiiiiiiii." I giggle at how he drags out my name.

M: "Sorry, I haven't cuddled anyone in a while. Didn't expect you to be there."

He stands up a walks to the bathroom rubbing his check. Is it bad that I'm not sorry? Eh. I sit up in bed, attempt to flatten my hair and try to look presentable. Who cares Marce? This family has seen you at your worse, they really couldn't care less.

I hop out of bed just as Daniel finished in the bathroom. We kind of just nod at each other and walk downstairs in comfortable silence.

Keri: "Good morning sleepy heads. I'm guessing you guys had a productive day."

D: "Yes in fact we did. We relaxed and not thought about school, the band, work, money, etc etc etc." Now I'm alert, and listening.


D: "Someone's excited lol."

M: "I get to meet the boys and explore LA! Live me alone damnit Daniel."

D: "Did you just change the meme to insult me?"

M: "You're not that special child. (Hair flip)." We make our plates and sit down at the table. I look up at Anna sitting across me, raise an eyebrow and catch her attention. The rest of the dinner is spent talking about what we plan to do in LA and weird faces between Anna and I.

After dinner we went back up to Daniels room and sat on the roof. I could feel the tenseness in the air. Something must be wrong with him because I'm fine...

M: "Speak child."

D: "Hmm? I'm good."

M: "You're not good Dani. Talk to me." I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me, shielding my body from the crisp winds.

D: "I already kind of showed you to the limelights but once we go to LA you won't be my, oh I don't know, little secret? You're going to get so much attention from the fans if the boys put you on their stories and oh my I don't want to share you with the boys even though I talked about you so much. Just I'm nervous to see how the limelights will react to you and I'm rambling now right?" He ends his little speech with a chuckle knowing that he picked up one of my bad habits.

M: "Daniel just because I meet the boys doesn't mean I'll ignore you. And I don't care about what the limelights say, I'm apart of the fandom and so far they've been the sweetest people ever. Why does it matter anyway?" Did he feel left out at dinner? I have to make sure I don't do that again then. I glance up at him but he's looking out onto the road.

D: "I just don't want you to get hurt Marci. Remember what happened last time?"

M: "But last time, it was because of me. It always will be because of me. No outside influences have that power. I'm my biggest bully. I'm my biggest influence." I wrap my arms around him and give a little squeeze.

M: "Don't think about it too much. Good night." I slip back into his room and leave the house. Once I get to my room I decide on posting. It's a bunch that was taken in a sunflower field captioned don't worry about me, I'll be fine 🌻.

*Daniel POV*

I watch her leave my house and make her way into her bedroom. Running my hands through my hair I can't help but think what if? Sometimes limelight's go hard and I know she's strong but it's all a cover.. I just want to protect her with all my heart. I crawl back into the room.

Ping! [seaveydaniel] @marcishawn posted a picture. I open it up and see her caption. Might as well @ me next time Marce. There is not a single moment where I'm not worrying about you and wondering what's going through your head. Like did you feel my kiss earlier today? Do you know how much it hurts when you put up your defensive walls and try to act tough? Did you know how much of an influence you have on me? Hell, I'm talking to myself like you! Oh well, you can't hear me but good night love.

A/N:: oof this wasn't that good and it's hella short I'm sorry. I GOT INSPIRED (by another fan fic) but if there is an Instagram post in the story and I am able to find the right picture for it I'm going to create a small "post" that will include some likes and comments, etc. So I'm not just writing dialogue and you get some text messages and posts in this story!

My instagram was deleted (personal reasons) but I created a new account (@stillseasonalseavey) and will attempt to get back my old username once the old account gets fully deleted. I will post the same content but not the other pictures I posted on the old one. Posting will resume on February 1st, the two month anniversary of my first account. I will continue to update this story every Monday. Thank you for understanding :) I love you all so much 💗

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