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*Marci POV*

Since I spent so much time with the boys and setting up my room, I never got the chance to really unpack. This shouldn't take too long. I don't have much to put away.. Within twenty minutes I'm done.

I grab a towel from the closet in the hall and my soaps then head into the bathroom. After a quick shower I head over to my closet to change into some pjs.

As I grab one of my hoodies and a pair of booty shorts, I look through the window. There's a small patio with a table and chair set just outside the kitchen. I throw my hair up into a bun and grab the book I threw on my bed when I was unpacking.

Heading downstairs, I pass by one of the boys bathrooms. I guess baby boy Dani never broke that habit of singing in the shower. I pause for a second to admire his voice but immediately leave when I start to hear it slow down. Can't get caught!

I swiftly make it to the patio without any boy stopping me. I've only been here for a day and I'm already avoiding them?! So much for being social Marci smh. I look at the view and realize that the sun is setting and bringing a book was pointless. I set it down on the table and take a seat.

Might as well 'gram this. I pull it my phone and take a bunch of pictures. As I'm trying to decide on which one to post, I feel arms snake around my shoulders.

D: Beautiful isn't it?

M: WHeN arE yOu goinG to sTop scArINg mE?! I stg this boy is gonna catch cracks pretty soon.

D: Oh hush, just enjoy the sunset with me before it goes away.

I lean my back and rest my head on his chest, which for the record, was shirtless. It really was quite beautiful and calming. The colors reminded me of when the boys harmonize.

D: That, is a very interesting observation. And yes you said it out loud.

M: Whatever "just enjoy the sunset with me before it goes away."

I mock him, perfectly replicating the Spongebob meme.

D: Well, while you were too busy mocking me, it set.

I look back up to the sky and try to find the "first star". A game we used to play when we were younger.

D: FOUND IT! To your left and up a bit.

He gently moves my chin in the direction of the  star. This feels like it could be straight out of a movie. I definitely could live like this forever. I chuckle and shake my head.

M: Okay, you may have found the first star but tomorrow you're going to find out that you have a cold if you don't get your butt inside right now mister.

After grabbing my book from the table, I usher him through the sliding door and into the living room where the other four were playing video games. I yank a blanket off the couch and wrap it around his shoulders, making sure I pull him in for a big hug before I spin him around to face the boys.

I take a seat in between Corbyn and Zach who are playing Mario Kart on the switch. They give me a gist of what's going on. Who is what character, how many races have been won so far, etc. Jack and Jonah are playing FIFA and they have absorbed Daniel into the game too.

After watching them be kids for a couple minutes, I decide on making food for them. A simple lasagna will be fine. Now let's just hope this turns out as good as it looks! I quietly raid their kitchen to see what they've got before I begin.

When I'm done cooking and cleaning up my mess I call the boys into the kitchen so they can serve themselves. I really hope Pinterest hasn't failed me this time! They each take a bite and their eyes grow two sizes.

Z: I hope you made more because this is SOOO GOODDD

C: Mm yeah, there definitely won't be enough for you if we all eat as much as I think we are

M: It's all good! I'm kinda in the mood for waffles right now

I go into their freezer and pull out two Eggo waffles for me and pop them in the toaster. By the time I start eating, the boys have all gone back for seconds and are almost done.

Jo: Thank you so much Marci! That was delicious!

J: At least we didn't have to pay for dinner. I haven't had home cooked in a while.

D: Bro, you were just at home yesterday..

J: Yeah but just because I'm at home, doesn't mean I always get home cooked meals!

I roll my eyes as their bickering continues and focus my attention on my phone and waffles. Finally choosing what picture I want to post, I caption it with Harmony 🎵. The likes soon come flooding in, so I turn off my phone and leave it on the table.

I bring my dish over to the sink and notice that the boys didn't wash their dishes. How do they live without their parents omg! I throw everything into the dishwasher and wipe the table.

When I walk back into the living room, all the boys have returned to their previous positions but Jack and Daniel have switched places. Even though he's not playing, Jack is very absorbed in the game and is screaming at the TV. This is satisfying. I don't know how, but it is.

I head back up to my room and get ready for bed. Brush my teeth, wash my face and, because I have nothing else better to do, put on a face mask. I set my timer and sit down on one of the many chairs to read.

Ten minutes pass by in a flash and as I'm massaging the oils into my face, there's a knock at my door.


D: You better not be naked Marce.

His eyes are shut tight and he's waving his arms around like a crazy person.

M: Don't worry weirdo, I'm not.

I cup his face in my hands and he opens his eyes.

M: Just like a clear sky

I smile at him, slap his cheeks, turn around and leap into my bed.

D: Ouch that hurt. (rubs cheek) Are you really going to sleep now?

M: No, I just want to be comfortable when I read.. Why'd you come in?

D: I wanted to say thank you for dinner and that Jack is being a meany head and rubbing it in my face that he won at Mario Kart.

He makes an adorable pouty face at me and sits at the foot of the bed.

M: Awww you poor baby, come here.

I motion for him to come cuddle with me. He scoots closer, wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my boobs.

M: Comfortable?

I can't help but laugh a little.

D: Mmm

He does a little half smile thing and goes onto Instagram.

THAT. That smile is what I'm here for. I aimlessly play with his hair and continue with my book.

About five chapters later I get sleepy. I shove in a receipt as a bookmark and toss it gently onto my night stand. I look down at Daniel and notice he's sleeping, and that I'm still playing with his hair. Hm, I guess dad's right about me not stoping. I still can't believe that even when I'm unconscious, I still play with people's hair when they ask.

I check my phone once more, clearing all notifications and turning off all alarms. I am one hundred percent sleeping in tomorrowwww. I smile to myself.

I check on sleepy boy one more time. Good night Daniel, I hope you don't hear my heart right now.. Because if you did.. Oh boy, that would give away all my secrets. And I slowly fall asleep.

A/N:: WHOOP WHOOP WHOS HERE FOR SOME MANIEL MOMENTS!!!! This was honestly so peaceful to write and tbh its everything I want. (Ofc most of these desires come at night when I can't annoy my bf into cuddling me) Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter even tho it continues on the same day. (Most chapters is either a huge time skip or a continuation of the day sorry! PSA I prefer to do time jumps between chapters / have one chapter per day) But yeah! I hope you're enjoying my book! I love you 💗

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