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*Marci POV*

Daniel and I accidentally slept through dinner so when we woke up, we were starving.

D: Marciiiii I'm hungryyyyyyy.

M: That sounds like a you problem. You could of woke up and fed yourself last night.

D: But- I'm-

M: I'm going to shower, you should get ready too.

I grab clothes and head to the bathroom. I see Daniel reaching into the cabinet to grab a cup noodles.

M: Make me a kimchi bowl!

Z: Sh- two more hours.

I laugh and step into the shower. I hope the walls are kinda thick. I don't want anyone to hear me singing.

I wrap my hair up in a towel hat and put on jeans & a WDW summer shirt that I cut. I go back to my luggage and put on socks & my converse.

Sitting down next to Daniel I reach over him to grab a pair of chopsticks.

M: Thanks fool. Nothing like a bowl of sodium for breakfast.

I pat his head like a dog. As I'm eating, everyone is slowly waking up and coming into the "living room". We all just sat around in silence when Jonah started to play his chill playlist. I nod at him and lean on Daniel. I go on my phone to google the first venue.

Damn, that's crazy big. And they sold out too. Ima proud sister.

The song "Dance to this" by Troye and Ari come on over the speaker. I dance around the bus "living room".

M: Oh- whoops!

I trip over Jonah's feet and fall next to him. I grin sheepishly.

Jo: Someone had a good nights sleep.

I notice Daniel turn his head, blushing. Huh. ??

M: Yeah. Sure.

Soon enough we pull up to our first venue. We all fall out of the bus to stretch. I pull out my headphones and plug it in. Following the boys, I shuffle all my songs. "Dazed and Confused" by Ruel comes on. How interesting. I think as my eyes focus on Daniel. Marci. No. Bad child.

J: I think you need to try a different approach. That doesn't seem to be working.

I shake my head and realize that Jack: 1- saw my playlist and 2- heard my "thinking" I need to stop that.

J: Yeah you do, it's a weird habit. But you don't have to stop liking him.

He nods towards the next song "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction and playfully shoved me. I was staring again.

M: Well you see, I don't think I ever had. And yanno, Newton's first law.

He shrugs in agreement and we walk in silence for a minute.

J: "And miss your smile, and miss your laughs, and miss the memories of our past."

I stop and stare at him for a moment.

M: You just- How- I'm-

J: Yes I just quoted the song in perfect timing; I saw your queued songs; I'm amazing I know. I also know that you are in too deep. You can't hide this from me Marce.

M: ExCUse you, that was all a coincidence. This is a shuffle of all my songs-

The song "Make a Move" by Andrew Foy rings in my ear. For heck's sake- maybe it's not as much of a coincidence as I thought?

J: So I'm assuming I'm still right.

He stops in front of the door everyone else walked in.

J: Maybe you should check the next few songs.

Would you Mind- PRETTYMUCH, Boyfriend- Big Time Rush, History- Olivia Holt, Story of Another Us- 5 Seconds of Summer... Okay so maybe Jack is right. So what?

Throughout the day I notice that I'm around Daniel a lot.

M: He's my best friend, duh.

I stare at myself in the mirror of the bathroom. That's a good explanation.

Z: I know I'm weird but you good Marci?

Zach calls through the door. Skye comes out of the stall behind me.

S: Shes fine Zach, go do band things.

She washed her hands and hops up onto the sink. Giving me a stern look she says

S: You're out of it. What did Jack say?

M: That,, I,, like,, Daniel.

S: And you're shocked? Sis, you've been know. Since forever.

M: I know but it's different now. It's not some middle school/high school crush anymore. We're kinda adults.

She laughs. Then makes a pointed look in my direction.

S: Whatch gonna do about it though? We don't have forever anymore and you know it.

M: Oh I know. But what am I supposed to do about it? Have you-

S: Act upon your feelings, duh.

M: -seen the limelights... stop doing that.

S: I've cut you off once. And they love you so I don't see why your concerned.

M: I don't think I could handle all the pressure. All the S.O.s are beautiful, smart, talented, etc. I'm boring and unoriginal, I have zero talent and everyone always asks "how'd she get famous she does nothing?" Although I don't consider myself famous...

S: Who gives a flying frick? You like him, he likes you-

M: -He doesn't like me. I'm his best friend, he probably things of me as a bro.

S: Girl, he thinks of you as his S.O. You two are practically dating, I don't understand the big deal..?

M: The big deal for me is that I'm me. There's someone out there who is better than me in every way and they can give Daniel his wants and needs.

S: Oh baby, there will always be someone better than all of us. But what you seem to forget is that they AREN'T us. Sure they can do this and that, but can they make Daniel feel the same way he does for you?

M: I guess not...

S: Now, let's get out of this stinky restroom and figure out what we're going to do with you.

We leave and find an empty green room. I fall onto the couch.

M: Fix me, I'm fEeLInG

I grab my chest exaggerating my movements.

S: May I suggest: growing a pair and asking him out?

M: I already have one pair of ovaries, I think that's enough.

Skye sighs and rolls her eyes.

M: And besidesssss, labels are overrated. It makes everything worse in my opinion.

S: Exclusive, do-

M: -YES! Oh no, I'm in way over my head. Pshhhhh labels aren't that bad I guess.

S: Is my work here done? Orrr...

M: Let's do something later, right now, we can enjoy their show.

A/N:: This chapter is messier than my life, I'm so sorry 🤧 anyways thank you for 34 followers and 3.7k reads (also a year of ig@seasonalseavey🥳) !! Y'all are real ones for dealing with my annoying, nonexistent posting schedule 🤪

Life update: I did really crappy on my PSAT & SAT, I'm drowning in school work and seasonal depression has hit me hard this year.

ANYWAYYYYYY I hope you enjoy this random chapter and learned a few things. I added a little lesson in this chapter because I need to remind myself of it more. Maybe next time, things will get interesting 🤔?

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