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*Marci POV*

Somehow, throughout the night, Daniel and I switched spots and now I'm a little spoon. I check the time and to my dismay, I woke up at 7. The perfect time if I had an 8 am class. But I don't, and my body doesn't allow me to fall back asleep.

I wrestle my way out of Dani's arms and head downstairs to make the boys breakfast. I noticed yesterday that they had a blackboard right at the end of the stairs. What a perfect place to display breakfast! I grab the chalk that's hanging and draw out MENU in calligraphy. Then I list eggs, bacon, rice, and Portuguese sausage.

I head straight for the fridge and pull out the orange juice. When I turn around, Jonah is chilling on the counter with his coffee.

M: BroooOooOo what the hell!!

Jo: Huh?

He looks up from his phone and raises an eyebrow at me.

M: I almost crapped myself! Like I understand it's not your fault but HECK!

He chuckles at my hands that were flying around when I was ranting. I roll my eyes and continue to grab the food.

I throw the bacon on a pan and stick it in the oven. After making sure there was rice cooked, I started to cook the sausages and egg.

"What smells like my dreams of home cooked meals?"

I turn around to see Jack entering the kitchen.

M: Good morning love, I hope you like what's on the menu!

"I just saw the menu and I know that I will!" Corbyn skips in with a silly smile. He holds up his phone.

C: Say hi babe!

Cr: Hi babe!

M: Hey baby!

C: Not cool Marce. This is my girlfriend. MINEEE.
He points at himself while Christina and I crack up.

Cr: You said to say hi to my babe though!

C: That's not what I meant!!

He takes his whining to the living room.

Jo: Well I guess I'm done relaxing.

M: Did we disturb your peace?

Jo: THEY always do. You're fine though, I find your presence calming.

D: Excuse me, but you need to go find your own.

I laugh and roll my eyes at his selfish tendencies.

M: Someone please go wake up the baby so we can eat.

Z: Too late, I'm already here.

Zach walks in rubbing his eyes and, like everyone else, he's still wearing his pjs. But contrary to everyone else his is the most childish. I don't understand how, but he just looks like a baby.

M: Well now that we're all here, lets eat!

I hand out plates and we all jump for the food. After making my plate I decide to take advantage of the patio again. I slide outside with my book and relax into the chair.

Three chapters later I have a clean plate. I sigh. I'M SO LAZYYYYY do I really have to bring it in?!

"Don't worry I gotchu boo."

I turn to see Zach walking inside with my plate.


Just as I was about to continue reading, someone comes outside again.

Z: So, I have an idea.

M: Speak of this idea child.

Z: Well, today is a song writing day, but we don't want to have you stuck here so you can go where ever. But tomorrow, the boys want to have a pool day..

M: So I need to buy a swimsuit today? Okay why didn't you just say that?

Z: BECAUSE you should also buy water balloons so can "wake up late" or go "change" and pelt them from your balcony.

He points to my room then moves his hand to point at the pool.

M: This is strongly taken into considera-


Z: COMING!! If you do, please record it. Tomorrow, all day.

I shake my head as he bolts to the music room. AKA the basement. I head up to my room to change and order an Uber.

A/N:: I won't be writing about this but like below is her swim suit. Gotta get that minimum tan lines yo. OKAY so next chapter may or may not be a time skip to when Christina get there... If it's the latter, then the time skip will happen after that chapter. Because you know when Christina gets there, all the fun is gonna happen.

ALSO I LATER IN THE STORY I WILL INCLUDE MORE CHARACTERS!! SO GO TO MY INSTAGRAM @seasonalseavey AND ANSWER THE POLLS IN THE HIGHLIGHT CALLED "WATTPAD" while you're there you should also follow me and like my post 😉(shameless promo) ++ I do sfs, fff etc

I hope you liked this cruddy chapter and major thanks for reading and just being you! (& for making my book ranked #69 under the tag seaveydaniel, and for #38 under imzachherron, #234 under whydontwemusic and #73 under jackaverymusic || mostly for rank 69 tho LMAO)

I hope you liked this cruddy chapter and major thanks for reading and just being you! (& for making my book ranked #69 under the tag seaveydaniel, and for #38 under imzachherron, #234 under whydontwemusic and #73 under jackaverymusic || mostly for...

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