Chapter 1: Best Friend

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A/N: Meet your main characters 

A/N: Meet your main characters 

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I got off the plane, collected my things and walked outside the door. Feeling the warm air caress my body with every step I met my Uncle Mike and cousin Jr. After a brief greeting we started the eight-hour drive to the province

"Buckle up" said Mike turning back from the drivers' seat towards me "Why don't you have a rest?" he suggested

I nodded, placed my earphones on my ears and gazed outside the window. After a couple of hours familiar sceneries came into view and memories flooded back in. It's been five years since I came back here from the states. I remember being so exited coming back here and that happiness was because of her. She lived next to our house that's why we became best friends. She was my classmate, my partner in crime, my first crush.

August 16, 2012

"Xan!" greeted George my grandfather pulling me into an embrace "Look at you. You've grown so much"

"You don't look bad yourself gramps" I said giving him a smile

Then I noticed a figure standing behind him and instantly brought a smile on my face "Are you just going to stand there?" I asked. She smiled and walked towards me giving me a tight hug "Sof, I can't breathe" I told her patting her shoulder

She loosened the hug a bit but didn't let go "I missed you twerp" she murmured on my chest

"I missed you too nugget" I told her pulling her closer

Jr cleared his throat and we finally broke the embrace "They said when you guys are done with your lovey dovey, come inside so we can eat"

After dinner, Sofia and I hanged around our old favourite place at the back of the house where we built a treehouse. There was a tree by the fence separating our houses and we built the treehouse in between our places. I looked around and noticed that nothing changed much except there was a big chest in the middle "What's this?" I asked seating by it.

"It's a chest" she answered sarcastically. I glared at her making her chuckle "It was a gift from Grandma, she wanted me to keep it"

"Can I open it?" I asked

"You already opened it, why bother asking" she said

I smiled when I saw the contents of the chest. There were the letters I sent her ever since my family moved to the US and the gifts I sent her. "You kept all these?" I asked turning to the brunette leaning on the door frame observing me with a smile on her face

"Why do you want me to burn them instead? Of course, I kept them" she said taking a seat next to me "They're memories"

I pulled her into a hug. I lost balance and we feel on the floor giggling. I looked into her mesmerizing brown eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that Reyes? Don't tell me you fell for me already" she jokingly said punching me in the arm

"What if I have?" I challenged

She broke eye contact and sat up "Well you can't" she finally said after a few silent seconds

I sat up too and looked at her "Why not?" I asked

She looked at me and smiled "because I will never fall for an annoying, childish, player like you" she said tickling me. We dropped on the ground again tickling each other. After a few minutes we finally gave up and just laid on the floor "so are you ready for your college senior year?" she asked

"One more year in prison then I'll be free!" I excitedly said

She smirked "so what are your plans after then?" she asked. "Are you finally taking that position your father is offering you?" she added

I thought for a second "Yeah, might as well use my Business degree for good purposes" I told her "How about you? Are you still working on that stupid bank?" I asked

"For your information that bank is very respectable, it has branches nationwide, and your family owns that bank remember" she said

"Why don't you just work on the main company on the finance department? You'll get paid more. I can ask dad to give you a position there" I told her

She held my hand "No thanks Xan. I want to work myself from the bottom and besides I'm happy where I am right now"

I looked at her with a smirk on my face "Really?" I asked

She shook her head "Yes" she said

Thirty minutes passed, and we finally called it a night "I'll walk you home" I told her

She looked at me questioningly "Really? I'm your neighbour. When I go down the ladder its literally my house."

"So?" I asked, "I just want you to go home safe. You never know there maybe ninjas waiting to ambush you"

She gave me that face again "Really? I don't know why were friends" she said as she lowered herself.

I followed her "You still love me though" I said confidently

"Of course, you're my best friend" she said pulling me into a hug. Best friend. When she said that word I felt like someone just yanked my heart. "Well, I'm home now. Good night grandma" she said

"Good night nugget" I said walking towards the fence. Because the fence wasn't that high I boosted myself up and sat on it and waited for her to go in. She smiled and went in and I jumped off the other side.

I Guess I Fell In Love (GxG) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now