Chapter 5: Fireworks

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Sofia's POV

I laid on my bed rewinding everything that happened last night. She cupped my cheeks surprising me. She moved forward, and I closed my eyes. I can feel her breathing getting closer then something soft touched my forehead "Good night, princess" she said with a gentle smile.

What the hell?! I internally screamed. What was I expecting something else "Ahhh!!" I screamed on my pillow.

"Are we going to take you to a hospital?" said a stranger on my doorstep

I looked up and saw my younger sister Nicole "Good morning to you too" I said throwing a pillow at her.

"Mom said when your done squirming about your date with Xan, come down for breakfast" she said throwing back the pillow

"It wasn't a date" I told her seating up

"But you wish it was a date" she mocked

"Stop teasing your sister with her date with Xan and come down for breakfast!" shouted mom from downstairs. Sometimes I feel bullied in this house, I swear.

I went down after I washed myself up. I sat down on my usual seat and waited for mom to serve the food. "Remember to wear sunscreen today" said the presenter in the TV "With a high of 24C and a low of 18C" he continued.

Just then the door slammed and came a familiar face "What's up fam!" she shouted as she enters the door

Mom turned around "Right on time Xan" she said setting the food on the table

"Breakfast looks good, mom" Xan said taking a seat opposite me. Yeah, she feels very at home here she calls my mother, mom. "Morning Nic!" she said high fiving my sister seating next to me "Where's dad?" she asked

"He went to work early today, he said there was an emergency" mom answered taking a seat next to Xan

"But its Saturday!" complained Xan "And he owes me a basketball rematch" she added pouring juice on her glass

"Any plans today?" mom asked

"Depends on your daughter" Xan answered

"There's a fiesta at in the nearby town. I heard there's rides, food stalls and programmes there" said Nicole eating her eggs "My friends and I are going"

"Wanna go?" asked Xan "It's fine if you have work to do, but it'll be better if you come with"

"Do I have a choice? Who would babysit you both if I won't be there" I told them

We went to get Nicole's friends. Xan drove their sever-seater Cadillac Escalade so that we could all fit in instead of her black Camaro Chevrolet. As usual I sat at the passenger seat and Nicole and her friends were at the back gossiping about someone from their school.

I glanced at the raven-haired girl driving. She yawned covering her mouth still focusing on the road "You ok?" I asked

She looked over for a second and smiled "Yeah, I just didn't get that much sleep yesterday" she answered. You're not the only one.

Alexandra's POV

Last night I kept turning back and forth. Every time I close my eyes I picture of Sofia appears. Last night the temptation to kiss her was very hard to resist. As I leaned closer, I could feel my heart banging like a bass drum on my chest. Just kiss her shouted my heart, but my mind was preventing me to. So, before our lips could collide, I raised my head slightly and just kiss her forehead instead. 'Chicken' mocked someone inside me.

When I entered my room, my heart was still racing. I took a shower thinking it might relax me a bit but nope, it didn't work at all.

"How long till we get there?" asked Nicole at the back

I glanced at the GPS "45 minutes" I told her

We stopped a couple of times to go to a bathroom break and fill up the gas and take a break from being too close to the girl making my heart run a marathon.

We were welcomed by loud music and a crown of people. Some were wearing costumes, and some are dressed casually. "Don't go far" warned Sofia to her sister

We all went to explore "You're such a mom" I teased Sofia

"I have to or else something might happen to both of you" she said

"Sure mom" I joked again earning a smack on the back of my head "So, where do you want to go first?" I asked

"Rides first then food stalls" she answered

So, after a couple of hours we already rode most of the rides and ate a variety of food already from Chinese to American. "Look" said Sofia pointing at a poster "There's firework tonight". I glanced at my watch and saw it'll start in 15 minutes, so I grabbed her wrist and dragged her "where the hell are you taking me?" she asked, "the fireworks display is the other way" she added.

I led her to the Ferris wheel and the guys standing by the gate let us in "buckle up" said another guy securing the harness After a couple of seconds we started going up and as when we reached the top, we stopped.

Bang! Sounded the first firework then came the others. I peeked at the girl beside me. She was smiling in joy and her eyes seemed to tell me she's liking enjoying the show.

Sofia's POV

This is so amazing. We have the best view of the show. I looked at the girl sitting next to me who was also enjoying it "Care to tell me why they stopped our cart here?" I asked

She smiled still looking at the flashing lights in the sky "I might have slipped a couple of hundred to the guys down there" she honestly answered. She flinched and covered her face

"What are you doing?" I asked

She relaxed putting her arm down "I thought you're going to hit me" she explained

"Why would I hit you?" I chuckled

"You like it?" she asked

I scooted closer "I love it" I told her. And here come the butterflies again. She wrapped me with her arms as we watch the remaining fireworks go off. "Where are the others anyways?" I asked not moving from the comfortable position.

"They're next to out carriage, just below us" she explained

When the last fireworks lit up the sky Xan asked, "Had fun?"

I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her chest "Very" I told her.


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