Chapter 13: I'll try

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Alexandra's POV

When we got back, Sofia fell asleep on the car. She must be very tired from all the things that happened. I tried waking her, but she seemed to be in deep sleep. So, I carried her to her room. I gently laid her down. I took off her shoes and covered her with her duvet.

I was about to go when someone tugged the bottom of my shirt making me turn around "Stay" said Sofia almost to a whisper.

I smiled, and she scooted over. I laid next to her and she buried her face on my chest "Good night, princess" I told her giving her a kiss on the forehead. I listened to her breath getting deeper and deeper.

Sofia's POV

When I woke up. I remembered what happened yesterday and somehow when I look at this person sleeping next to me it just fades away. Yes, I was hurt on what I saw yesterday but I think shouting on the cliff really did work and I already cried all the tears yesterday. I tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear "Thank you" I whispered, "thank you for always being there for me. Even though I've cause you so much pain you still dared to stay". I touched her soft cheeks "what good did I ever do for someone like you to be in my life?" I smiled as I remember the memories when we were kids. Even though we were a year apart they allowed her to go to my grade. We were always partners, we always go home together and do our homework together. Well, she doesn't do her homework, she just takes a nap every time and copies mine in the morning before class. I remember when a guy was saying stuff about me, she was the one you protected me and stood up for me. "I promise to try and give you back the love you gave to me even though I don't deserve it. This time I will be the one fighting" I pecked her temple and she slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the light. Shoot, I hope she didn't hear anything I just said.

"Morning" she said stretching "What time is it?" she asked

"It's quarter past eight" I said

She nodded and sat up "Why did you wake me up so early then?" she asked rubbing her eyes

"Mom said breakfast's ready" I told her

She nodded, and still with sleepy eyes she went to the bathroom. I folded my sheet and waited for her to come out

Alexandra's POV

I splashed my face with water and watched myself in the mirror "I promise to try and give you back the love you gave to me even though I don't deserve it. This time I will be the one fighting" said Sofia. I was awake and heard everything she said. She finally said she loved me. Well, she said she'll try to love me. But why do I feel something. I should be happy right? I splashed my face again. What's going on? Sofia shouldn't force herself into loving me because I'm nice to her and because she knew about my feelings. That's it! I didn't want her to feel that way because of me. I want her to learn to love me because that's her choice and she wanted to.

I heard a knock on the door "Xan, are you ok?" she asked on the other side of the door.

"Yeah" I said and dried my face

I opened the door and saw a worried Sofia "You were there for ages" she said

"Sorry, I was brushing my teeth with your toothbrush" I said grinning at her.

She punched me in the arm and she entered the bathroom. I went downstairs and met the other "Good Morning Xan" said Alejandro, Sofia's father

"Good Morning sir" I said seating on my usual seat "you don't have work today?" I asked

He shook his head "I do, we just start a little late today" he answered, "By the way, what happened yesterday?" he asked. Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell them what happened because when we arrived, Sofia was sleeping already so I carried her upstairs and we both went to sleep.

"U—um..." I debated if I should tell them or not. Raquel also joined me, Alejandro and Nicole on the table. They were waiting for my answer.

"A very good morning to my family and best friend" said Sofia walking down the stairs

"Someone looked like they're having a great morning" said Nicole as Sofia sat opposite me next to her mom.

"Great morning indeed" she said. "What we're you guys talking about?" she asked taking a strip of bacon.

"We were just asking Xan what happened yesterday" said Raquel

Sofia and I looked at each other "Well, let's just say I'm free from a toxic person" said Sofia

"You and Jake broke up?" asked Nicole

She nodded

"You seem to take it easier than we expected" said Raquel

"Well, I had my best friend to ease the pain" she said looking at me across the table

"What did that guy do to you? Are you ok?" asked Alejandro

"I caught him cheating and I told I showed my message on his face" she said putting syrup on her waffles

"Well as long as your safe and happy" said Raquel. "What are your plans today then?" she added.

"I don't have any plans today" said Nicole.

"Neither do I" said Sofia looking at me

"Uhmm... I'm going to visit a friend" I told them "She just came back, and she wanted to hang out" I said. I really need Camille's advice right now.

"Camille?" asked Sofia

I nodded

"Well, why don't we go celebrate?" Nicole asked Sofia

"I'll come with" said Raquel. "Your dad has work, so why don't we have a girls' day out, and maybe find other guys to hang out with"

"Ahem! We're here you know" said Alejandro putting an arm around my shoulder

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