Chapter 14: Hidden Feelings

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Alexandra's POV

I took my black Ducati monster today instead of my car. It's easier to drive a bike up a hill. I texted Camille that I'll be visiting her. Yes, I know I lied to Sofia. It's just that, I don't want her forced feelings towards me and I don't know how to handle that. Camille opened the gate and I parked near their entrance "Welcome" she said as I take off my helmet. "What brings you here?" she asked

"I need help" I said

She squinted her eyes "this looks serious, come inside" she said

"Where are you parents?" I asked as I sat on their sofa

"They'll be back soon. They just had to talk to a client" she explained seating beside me "So, tell me what's been bugging you my friend?" I exhaled and told her every single detail. I didn't leave out anything. "Sounds to me like your afraid of commitments" she said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well, she's right there. She's giving you and her a chance. The thing that you've been waiting for your whole life and now you're running away from it?" she explained

"Well, yes you are right, but I want her to love me because she wanted it to" I told her

"You do have a point there but, it is her decision when she said she'll try to love you" she said

"She'll try to love me, huh?" I thought for a second "Why does that sound like I'm an unwanted vegetable and she only wanted to try it because I'm healthy"

"Huh? You have that point again" she said

"She's very important to me and I really wanted her to be happy. I don't want her to get stuck with a delinquent like me" I said, "There are other people out there who will treat her better and love her more than I do"

"You know, you keep underestimating yourself. From what I can describe you so far, you are a very caring person. You always put others before you. You're very strong for keeping all those pain inside you even though it's breaking you already. You're loyal for loving one person for how many years even though they might have loved other people. And most importantly you are the best friend anyone could ever have. That is why Sofia is very lucky to have you" she said.

I'm moved with all she said. I never really realise I had that effect on people. "Thanks" I told her

"Now pay up. This session isn't free" she said smirking at me. I grabbed my wallet and took an invisible twenty and slapped it on her hand "Nice doing business to you, my friend"

After lunch, I went back home and try to catch up with some TV shows I haven't watched yet.

Sofia's POV

"Sofi!" shouted Nicole waving her hand in front of my face "You're zoning out again"

"Sorry I was just thinking of something" I confessed

"Something? More like someone. You're thinking about Xan, aren't you?" she asked, and I nodded. "She's with her friend. When she said she's with a friend, then she's with a friend"

"How could you say that?" I asked

"One, she head over heels for you. Two, she's not like Jake. Three, I trust him. And lastly, why do care if she's with a friend or lover? You guys aren't even dating" she said taking a sip from her milk tea

"Well, it's just that we don't know anything about that girl. She might do something" I said

"Xan can protect herself" she said, "Now you sound like a jealous girlfriend"

"Well, who can blame me for not worrying for my best friend. And she gets into fight remember?" I asked

"Yeah, but I know Xan can handle anything without you babysitting her. She's not a child anymore you know" she said

"Still, she has a mindset of a five years old" I told her

"What ever you say" said Nicole.

I took my phone and texted Xan

Me: Where are you?

Chewbacca: I'm at home already, why?

Me: Just asking. How was your date?

Chewbacca: it was great. Camille and I ate lunch together because her parents weren't home. Then we also did other stuff

Me: What other stuff?

Chewbacca: We talked and went fishing like we always do.

Chewbacca: Why? What's up?

Me: Nothing just checking

Chewbacca: Ok, well, I have to go. I'm going to dad's office to get something

Me: Ok

"See!" said Nicole looking over my shoulder "You don't need to be so paranoid". She's right. Now I feel embarrassed. I just realised I was over acting. It's just because I don't know how to act towards Xan anymore. I don't want to lose her. If I did I don't know what I'll do. Ok, no what sounds creepy again. Dammit! "Earth to Sofia. Come in. You're zoning out again" said Nicole

"Maybe we should go home" said Mom

When we got home I was surprised to see Xan in the kitchen. She turned her chair to face us when the door opened "What are you doing here?" I asked. Oh, come on Sofia, you wanted to see her all day.

"Well, I got a worried text" she said waving her phone. I walked towards her and gave her a hug "You ok, princess?" she asked

I nodded "See, she looks better already" said Nicole to mom in the background.

Xan and I are seating on the treehouse "care to tell me what's happening?" she asked curiously. Should I tell her? Maybe not now. It doesn't feel like it's the time yet. With my recent break up with Jake. I don't want to go straight into a relationship. "Nic said you were acting strange. I rushed here as fast as I could"

I smiled at her "I'm fine. There's just a lot of things on my mind recently"

She took my hands and like it always does, it back flipped, jumped off a cliff and released every species of butterflies in my stomach. "You can always tell me, remember?" she said looking questioningly into my eyes.

I wrapped my arms around her waist "let's just sty like this" I told her

She enveloped me with her arms "As you wish, princess" she whispered 

I Guess I Fell In Love (GxG) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now