Chapter 17: The Girl underneath the Moonlight

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Alexandra's POV

I ran after Sofia after I set down Camille next to her mom. "Sofia!" I shouted, "Wait up"

She opened my car door and closed it when she got in "Drive" she said when I got in.

So, I obeyed and started the engine. I didn't even say goodbye to the family I left behind. After a good thirty minutes I decided to break the silence "Can you tell me what's wrong?" I asked nervously.

"I don't know" she said bitterly "I just found out that my best friend is engaged to a person she met a month ago. Like I haven't met this girl yet" she turned to the window "when are you planning to tell me Xan?" Oh, they actually thought Camille and I are serious about the engagement thing. Dang! I want to see their faces. I slowed the car down and parked on the side road. I turned to the girl seating on the passenger seat.

"What exactly did they tell you?" I asked interestedly.

She hissed "I can't believe you" she said and got out of the car. I followed and saw the girl leaning on a stone barrier with the moonlight shining over her making my heart skip a beat. "They told me they saw you two kissing by the river and they overheard you two talking about a proposal" she said with a slight sob in her voice.

I walked towards her and held her hand. I looked into her teary eyes and I can't help but to feel angry at myself for making her feel this way. I took a deep breath. "Yes, there was a kiss..." I confessed, and tears fell from her eyes "But that was..." I can't think of anything that could describe it " accident." Was that the right word for it? "We just got into the moment, that kiss didn't mean anything. I promise" I explained. "Matter of fact, the kiss we had in third grade is better" I said.

She wrapped her armed around my waist and buried her face on my chest "Promise?" she mumbled. I shook my head in agreement.

"And that proposal it was just a misunderstanding, her parents heard the word and thought it was a wedding proposal" I explained.

She looked up at me and her eyes were dry from tears now but there was still sorrow in there. She tip toed, clasped her hands on my cheek and her lips met mine. I was in shock for a couple seconds, but I gave in. I closed my eyes and let her take control. She broke the kiss and looked into my confused face, smiled and went in the car. I stood there flabbergasted. The wind blew my back my hair and sent a shiver down my spine.

The drive back was quiet. She didn't touch the stereo like the usual, so we just sat there watching the tree pass. I parked in front of their house. Before I could say anything else, she ran out of the car leaving me there stunned.

August 12, 2017

Alexandra's POV

I took out my earphones and looked outside and saw familiar sceneries pass by. The place looks greener from what I remembered. I saw the waterfalls cascading as always. It's a sign that we're near our destination. Minutes after and came familiar buildings and neighbourhood. "Alright, get yourself ready. We're near" Mike told me.

I nodded and leaned back on my seat again. I mentally prepared myself on what I'm about to arrive to.

Then after a few more turns the car stopped in front of a familiar white painted house. I opened the door and admired how it never changed all these years, except there's a patio in the front of the house covered by rows of wood, and I'm guessing mahogany due to the reddish-brown colour.

There's furniture underneath it. There's also a mini-waterfall in there with koi fishes swimming freely. There are angel statues by the streaming water. I went inside the double door and hugged by my mom "Xandy" she shouted. "How was your trip?" she asked taking the sling bag on my side and set it down.

Next came my dad "Sorry, we couldn't take you from the airport" he said hugging me "I had to help your mom prepare food for you and other stuff"

Then my grandpa who's now seating on a wheelchair "Ah! If it isn't my favourite granddaughter" he said.

"Hey!" shouted Michelle in the kitchen

I hugged grandpa "You're still my favourite" he whispered

"I still heard that" shouted Michelle again and grandpa winked at me.

When I got up I saw a woman standing by the door and as always, she brought a smile on my face "are you going to just stand there?" I asked and opened my arms.

She smiled and walked towards me giving me another tight hug "Sof, I can't breathe" I told her patting her shoulder

She loosened the hug a bit but didn't let go "I missed you twerp" she murmured on my chest

"I missed you too nugget" I told her pulling her closer

After the short gathering Sofia and I walked to our old treehouse. I looked around and noticed that nothing changed much. The chest her grandmother still sits on the middle. I opened it and smiled when I saw the contents of the chest. There were the letters I sent her and the gifts. There are more inside this time thought in comparison to the last time I checked this.

"You kept all these?" I asked turning to the brunette leaning on the door frame observing me with a smile on her face

"Why do you want me to burn them instead? Of course, I kept them" she said taking a seat next to me "They're memories" I smiled because I swear I experienced this occasion before.

She walked towards me and sat in front facing me. I held her hand and touched the ring I gave her on my last visit here. After graduation I came back here, and Sofia and I started dating. After a year in 2014, we decided to go around the world, exploring places we wanted to visit which took us 2 years. So, 2016. I had to go back to the US to supervise the expansion of the company. Sofia didn't like the idea of being away from her parents just because of our previous trips. They didn't see each other in a long time so. But then she also didn't want me to go. So, as a promise that I'll come back, I asked her to marry me, of course she said yes.

Right now, I can't help but to admire this woman in front of me. Her soft wavy hair that danced in the wind so, tucked it behind her ear. Her twinkling tantalising eyes that captures me every time I look at it. Her cheeks that turn rosy. And her lips. Those pair of lips that allures me every time.

I smiled and admired this beautiful goddess seating opposite me. "You know, I never really asked you why you kissed me that night" I told her

She smiled and remembered that night. The only source of light was the stars and full moon just above us. The surrounding was dark. The animals made noises in the background but other than that there was complete silence. The wind blew sending a cold breeze.

She tip toed, clasped her hands on my cheek and her lips met mine.

She looked up from her imagination and faced me. The smile on her face was still there and she said, "I guess I fell in love"

I Guess I Fell In Love (GxG) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now