Chapter 9: New Beginnings

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Sofia's POV

Where could she be? We've been looking for her since she left the restaurant and I can't help but to blame myself. Her mom said, she left a note on her bedroom but I can't help but to worry. I know how she is when she's angry or down. I checked everywhere she could go to and nothing...

I know she could protect herself but still, we don't know what might happen. I tried calling her again but her phone can't be reached. We can't go to the police yet because it hasn't been 24 hours. Dammit Xan, where are you?

"Babe, it's late. I think we should go home" said Jake driving the car

I fumed in anger "No!" I said harshly "I need to find her"

"Ok" he said "what did she ran away, anyways?"

"Just something" I told him, I can't tell him what happened. Not now. I have important things to do. After a couple of hours, we haven't found her "where are you taking me?" I asked

"Home, you need to rest." He said

"No!" I said fighting back

"Babe, maybe she's at her house already" he suggested

"No, Aunt Sandra would have called me" I said

But it was too late, we're in front of the house already "get some rest" he said

And I walked out the car, then he drove away

I ran to Xan's house expecting her to be there but none... Her family got up when they saw the door opening but it's just me. They sat on the living room and waited again. "Any news?" I asked

And Jr shook his head

I sat next to Aunt Sandra "She'll come back" I told her

She nodded and covered her face

After thirty minutes or so the door unlocked and revealed the girl we were all looking for. She looked confused as she walked in "What going on?" she asked

Her mother rush to her, followed by the others. I can't help but to feel grateful that she's back. She's never done this before. When she gets in trouble, we always talk a through it but I must have hurt her a lot. I just stood there watching them bombard her with questions.

After a couple of minutes, we sat next to each other at the treehouse. "Where did you go anyways?" I asked

"I don't know" she said

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" I asked again

"Somewhere" she said bluntly

"Dammit Xan!" I said aggressively "Please come back" I pleaded

She sighed. I really don't know what she's thinking right now and I wish I do. She's wasn't always a deep thinker, right now what ever she's thinking is confusing her, hurting her. I want to take that away from my innocent best friend. She looked at me and the look in her eyes were the same but somehow different "Someone told me that, if you love someone set them free. And if its destiny then they'll come back" she snickered "You know that I love you more than anyone else in this world, right?" she asked

I nodded

"Even though it hurts me like hell, I'm...going to let you go" she paused "because you're my best friend and I want you to be happy. Like always I will support you on every decision you make. I'll back off a bit so that you and Jake can have the space and freedom to do whatever you guys want to do". Now I know she's trying to fight back her tears "I don't know if I could be that same person you knew before. But give me a couple of days to re-adjust, umm... I'm sure I'll be good as new". She offered a hand "Friends?" she asked

I shook my head

She gave me a confused look "what? You don't want to be friends?"

I smiled "Best friends"

She smiled as I took her hand "Best friends" she said

Alexandra's POV

I think I handled that well. I took Camille's advice to talk to her and I'm pretty pleased with the results. I'm friends with Sofia again but I'm still trying to re-adjust myself a bit. I'm laying down my bed when my phone buzzed. When we finished eating we decided to take the phone back from the river then I went home. It's a good thing my phone's water resistant.

Unknown Number: So? How did it go? Did you talk to her yet?

Oh, its just Camille. I forgot I gave her my number. Me: Yeah, I talked to her and it went pretty good, I think

Camz: Great to here bro! Well, I told you it'll work

Me: Well, I didn't know engineers can give good advice on relationships

Camz: Well us architectural engineers helps to keep a relationship sturdy and beautiful

Me: Thanks again Cam, really appreciate it. I'll talk to you tomorrow?

Camz: no problem human! Night

Sofia's POV

The next day I woke up feeling pleased, finally Xan and I are in good term. I'm very glad I have my best friend back. I went downstairs and ate my breakfast. I took my phone from my bag and texted Xan

Me: Morning sleepy head! I'm about to go to work

Chewbacca: Morning grandma! Cool. I'm having breakfast

Me: Yeah, I'm just waiting for me ride. (I didn't want to mention Jake, because I know Xan's still adjusting). You coming to the bank today?

Chewbacca: Probs. I don't have anything else to do so

Me: Well, I see you there then.

After I ate my breakfast I got a text from Jake. Jake: Hi babe, sorry I can't come and pick you up today. I have to help out with mom at the diner again today. Promise I'll make it up to you.

Me: It's ok babe. I'll see you tomorrow?

Jake: Yes babe. I love you

Me: I love you too

He's been very busy at their diner lately and I can't help but to think he's really focusing on his work now. His mom told me that he usually goes out with his friends before and nothing else just like in college. It just makes me feel proud of him that he changed.

Our front door burst open and came a familiar figure "Morning people!" she shouted. We're all used to this already as she does this every day before.

We all looked at Xan who was holding a bag "what are you doing here?" I asked

"Mom asked me to drop these off" she said placing the bag on the table. "Mrs Lopez, mom said thank you. We really enjoyed your homemade lasagne"

Mom smiled "You're very welcome Xan" she said tapping Xan's shoulder and took the bag.

Xan turned to me "And why are you still here?" she asked

"J—" I said but I was interrupted

"Jake bailed on you?" she said and I nodded. She took out her keys from her pocket "Come on then. I'll drop you off" she said walking to the door and I followed.

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