Chapter 16: The Meeting

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Alexandra's POV

After lunch Camille and I went on our daily walk around the forest. We suddenly made this into a thing when we were running for our lives from her parents. It's also a time where we plan our pranks and so does her parents. This walk is the same as always with a slight awkwardness because of the incident in the lake.

"So, any plans today?" I asked kicking the pebbles on the way

"What are your plans? with you know who" she asked

I thought for a second. That second turned into a minute, five minutes, ten minutes. I looked at Camille with a confused expression.

"What?" she asked with a frightened tone.

"'s just that" I said but I was interrupted

"Well what?" she asked

"It's just—" I continued

"It's just what?" she asked

"Well you see" I said

"Speak up woman!" she said

"If you let me finish, I'd say we're lost. I don't know where we are" I told her

She looked around "Oh" she said. "Don't worry, I know this place inside out" she said.

After a couple minutes we still haven't found the track yet "Are you sure you know the way?" I asked again looking around.

"Of course" she said but I sensed the uncertainty in her voice.

Hours passed and it's starting to get dark. It's getting hard to see with the thick trees, sunlight can't go through it. She was in front of me and I followed her. After a couple more minutes she turned to me "Let me guess, we're lost" I said mocking her comment earlier

"Shut up" she answered punching my arm "But yes, we are lost"

"Maybe it's time for me to take the lead" I told her "It's a good think I was a girl scout before." So, we tried re-tracing our steps back leading our way to the point when we realised we were lost. Because we were in deep conversation beyond this point we didn't know where we came from "what's your plan smarty pants" she mocked

I looked at her and it's really getting dark. "Shush" I said, and she stayed quiet. A branch snapped somewhere near us making us turn.

"What was that?" she asked

"I don't know" I answered, "Does your parents know the paths in this forest?"

She shook her head "No, the only time they came here was to check the place when they first bought it and that's it" I gave her a 'really?' face. Then another branch snapped making her jump on me.

"Ok here's the plan. I can here the river nearby, we can follow it and maybe find our way back" told her and she nodded.

We walked towards the sound of raging water for about 10 minutes, then we finally reached it. "Yes!" she shouted in joy "Remind me next time to not make you lead the way" she said

"I was following you" I said

"I was following you" she said "Well, whatever" she added

"Hey, don't stan—" I said but she slipped. I ran towards her. She fell on the shallow water "What'd I say?" I told her helping her out. She was soaking wet. I helped her seat on the rocks. Take off your shirt" I told her.

"Ooh, Alexandra! I may have kissed you, but I won't have sex with you" she joked

I took off my jacket tossing it to her. It's a good thing I'm wearing a sweatshirt underneath it. I rolled my eyes "take it off or you'll get cold and get sick" I explained and turned to face the dark forest.

"Whatever, mom" she said. I heard her zip up the jacket, so I turned "now come on" I told her.

But when she stood up she made a grunting sound "What happened?" I asked and turned to her leaning on the same rock

"I think I sprained by ankle" she said seating down on the rock again. I kneeled in front of her and took her foot making her whine "slowdown there, cowboy" she said.

I checked her foot and it seems to be swelling. I sighed and ripped a chunk of my shirt underneath my sweatshirt and tied it on her ankle "There" I told her standing up and turned around

"What are you doing?" she asked

I faced her again "Do you think I'll let you walk in that condition?" I asked

"I can walk" she argued standing up but then wobbled and sat on the rock again

"Right" I said and bended so she can get on.

She tied her arms around my neck and I hoisted her up, and made our way downriver. Ten minutes passed and we're still walking down "Thanks" she mumbled

"No problem, miss know it all" I told her

I was expecting that punch again, but she just relaxed on my back. We took a couple of breaks because she insisted. We found our way back minutes after and she decided to walk "I feel better now" she argued and tried to walk.

"No, you can't" I said walking behind her back

"The house is literally yards away" she said wobbling

But then she fell on the ground. I kneeled on one knee "You ok there?" I mocked. But before she could answer I carried her in my arms, bridal style. She was about to say something again, but I stopped her "If you say one more word, I swear I'm going to kiss you" I challenged. So, she covered her mouth making me smile. "That's what I thought Miss scared of the dark, clumsy—" I said but the front door opened making me stop.

I saw Fred first who opened the door. Then Janet who sat on the white sofa and a third person who stared at us bewilderedly

"Xan?" asked Sofia.

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