Chapter 7: What did I miss?

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Sofia's POV

This couple of weeks have been very fun and hectic at the same time. I've been hanging out with Jake lately, but something seems incomplete and I don't know why.

Monday morning and I'm waiting for Jake to come pick me up. I checked my watch and I need to be at work in 30 minutes. My phone buzzed

GreeneyedJakey: Hey babe, sorry. I can't come today, there's a family emergency

Me: is everyone ok?

GreeneyedJakey: yeah, everyone's fine. I'll talk to you later ok.

Me: ok

If I take a cab now, I'll be late, so I decided to pay a friend visit. But then as I opened their gate, I noticed that her car isn't there. That's strange, she's never up this early. But when she is she's always at my house, but she isn't. Their front door opened, and her mom appeared "Hello Sofia!" she greeted

"Good morning Mrs Reyes" I greeted back "Is Xan home?"

"Oh no, she left this morning" she explained

"Thank you, ma'am," I said and went

I got to work with just minutes to spare but I had to take the cab and there was traffic so, I had to run. I walked inside the office and same a familiar figure. She had her back facing me but, I know who she is "No man, Chris would be the womanizer!" she said. "Isn't that right, bro?" she high fived Chris.

"Good morning Bessie!" greeted Jemma and they all turned to me even her

I walked towards them "Morning" I said

Xan smiled lightly said "morning". Huh? That's weird. She always tackles hug me whenever I see her before.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"She's always here every morning" said Georgia

"It's kinda her new routine when someone stole her original one" said Jemma placing her arm on Xan's shoulder "Isn't it?"

"Plus, lunch" said Diego "We kinda have this company lunch now"

"What?" I asked confusedly

"Well, you we're always out with what's his face, but don't worry Xan was your substitute" said Chris

I looked at Xan who was just standing there

She cleared her throat "Well... I should get going. You guys still have work to do" said Xan excusing herself

"Are we still going out for lunch?" Jemma asked, and Xan turned around to face us again

"Sure" answered Xan giving a genuine smile

Everyone scattered ones the girl left and I followed Jemma to our booths "Seems like I missed a lot" I said jokingly

"Oh, you sure did" said Jemma arranging her stuff

"Jems?" I said, and she turned around "Did you notice Xan was acting very differently"

"Xan?" she asked sarcastically "Xan's been the same since I met her. You're the one that's acting differently"

"How'd you say that?" I asked curiously. To be honest, I don't think that I changed at all. I'm still the same Sofia Lopez.

"Well, one, your time and attention for other people other than your boyfriend is lacking. Before, you managed your time between your friends, family and work. Two, you seemed to be distracted more lately. Three, you're blinded by that douchebag you call your boyfriend. Lastly, you've become more forgetful" she explained

"Wha—" I was about to explain myself when I was interrupted by Jemma ringtone 'Lonely' by Bobby Vinton

She picked up "Oh hey Xan!" she paused "it's probably at Chris' desk. Wait, I'll go check" she said excusing herself. She came back after a couple seconds "yeah, I have it. I'll just give it to you at lunch" she said holding unto a small envelope "yeah, whatever. Alright, See you". She closed her phone and placed the envelope near her computer "Sorry that was Xan"

I nodded and went to my booth

As I was working on another pile of balance slips, I can't help but to think about what Jemma said. Have I really changed? And since when did Xan and Jemma become that close? I really did miss a lot...I miss her.

At lunch I was still focused on the work I didn't even notice the time but then I felt a presence behind me and I quickly turned "Xan!" I greeted. But it was Jake

"Hey babe" he said

"Sorry, I thought you were someone" I apologized. To my surprise he hugged me. Then a familiar face came into view. She saw Jake and I hugging so as she passed us she gave me that small smile and nodded. She glanced at Jemma who was also witnessing what is happening. "Jake, um... you see we have a lunch plan" I told the man in front of me

The pair a few feet away didn't say anything. "Oh, sorry. I thought we're having lunch" he said

"It's fine if you can't make it today Sof" said Xan and I turned to her. She wears her calm mannered behaviour "There's always a next time"

"No" I said surprising the three "Sorry Jake, but I have to go with them today"

The guy seemed to understand so he kissed me on the cheek and walked away. We went out and walked towards Xan's car "I'll seat at the back" said Jemma "Sorry Sof, I kinda had to seat on your seat when you were gone" she added. I don't know why Jemma is catching a ride with Xan when she has her own car.

I smiled and sat on the passenger seat as Xan started the car. Damn, I miss the minty of her car. Throughout the ride Jemma and I caught up with things. Then I looked at the driver who still haven't spoken a word since we were at the office. "You ok?" I asked

"Of course," she said calmly

We arrived at the restaurant and some people are already there. They turned to face us "The couple of the month has finally arrived" said Diego.

I swear I'm used to Xan and I getting mistook as a couple but to my surprise they weren't talking about Xan and I but, Jemma and Xan. They walk in with Jemma's arm around Xan's waist and Xan's arm was seating around Jemma's shoulder

"Hey guys, sorry there was traffic as usual" said Jemma 

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