Chapter 11: What's going on in your mind?

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Sofia's POV

"Well, you saw something inside Jake that you liked that's why you date d him. And besides you said he's changing from what he was before" said Xan. Why did I date Jake? I asked myself. Yes, I fell in love with him but right now what is this empty feeling inside me. I didn't feel like this before. I rolled over and grabbed my phone from the bedside table

Me: You awake?

After a couple of seconds my phone buzzed

Chewbacca: What the hell? It's three am!

Me: I can't sleep

Chewbacca: Well, I do

Me: Keep me company, please

Chewbacca: Ok, what the hell are you thinking about know? (She knew me too well)

I thought for a second. Should I tell her?

Me: Jake...

She didn't reply. But then after a few minutes I heard tapping on my window. I got out of bed and opened it and saw Xan. I helped her climb up and she landed on the floor "What the hell?" I asked

"My fingers got tired typing so I came here instead" she said slipping in my bed. I followed her and laid beside her. I positioned myself on her chest wrapping my arms around her waist. Dang, she is comfortable. We're used to sleeping like this since we were young. She would always sneak up here in some nights when I can't sleep or the other way around. So, we laid there for a couple minutes in silence. "So, what going on in that head of yours waking me up?" she said breaking the silence

I shook my head and buried it on her neck. What soap does she use? it smells very good. I keep thinking if I should tell her or not but maybe she's not the right person to ask. Right now, I'm happy.

"Good night, princess" she said kissing my forehead. And boom! I felt my insides do a backflip. My heart was racing vigorously. What the hell? Not this again. Now I remember. I dated Jake because of Xan.

"I dated Jake because I was feeling something for Xan" I told Jemma the next day.

"So, instead of facing your feeling for her you dated someone else instead" she said

"Yes!" I said

"You're sick. Do you know how much that hurt Xan?" she said taking a seat in front of me

I covered my faced "I f&^%ing know" I said

"What about Jake?" she asked, "He's still your boyfriend"

"What about me?" asked Jake curiously. He placed a kiss on my cheek and placed a plastic bag on my table.

"Jake!" I said in surprise "What are you doing here?" I asked

"Well, since I haven't seen you these past few days. Maybe we could go on a date? And I miss you" he said

"Well...umm..." I didn't know what to say. With these new feeling I don't know what to do or say. But, yes. He is still my boyfriend and it would be unfair if I said no. "Yeah, sure" I said

"Cool, I'll pick you up after work" he said

"Hey!" shouted Diego "What are you doing here?". Jake ran to towards the door "Get back here, guards!"

I looked at Jemma who's staring at me is disbelief "what?" I asked

"You're going on a date with him when you know you have feeling for someone else?" she said, "Why don't you just break up with him?"

"It's not that simple Jem. Besides I'm still trying to figure out what I'm really feeling towards Xan" I told her

"He's probably cheating behind your back too" she added

"How could you say that" I asked

She gave me a 'really face' "Really? Well let me give you a list. One, I can smell the f&^%boyness reeking on him. Two, you don't know what he's been doing when he's not with you. Three, I don't trust him"

"Jemma, he said he's been helping his mom at the diner" I said

"Right" she said and went back to her booth when she saw Diego approaching.

Alexandra's POV

I'm bored af. I haven't done anything all day. We didn't have lunch today because everyone at the office was busy. Camille and her family went on a family vacation. My parents and grandpa had to go work so, I'm alone at home watching random TV shows. So, I decided to go for a walk and when I was near my house I saw Sofia's mom carrying groceries "Hello, Mrs Lopez"

"Hi Xan" she greeted

"Can I help?" I asked

"Yeah sure. No one's home?" she asked giving me a bag. I shook my head and carried the bags. I set them on the kitchen and she followed with others. "Well, if you dint have anything to do, why don't you help me prepare dinner"

"Sure" I said putting away the good in the cabinet and of the fridge.

She decided to cook beef stew. She told me to cut the vegetables as she prepares the meat "You and Sofia ok?" she asked out of the blue

I looked at her in surprise "Of course" I said

"You know Sofia cares about you a lot. Did you know she was there when you were born? She was about a year old. When we placed you two together, when Sofia touched your cheeks, that was the first time you smiled" she said making me smile

"I care about her very much too" I said

"That's good" she said, "Because I can't always protect her, so you have to help me." She added "She always act tough but inside she is very fragile" she said making me look up "You know when you went the states for the first time, she cried all day"

That flattered my heart. When I left I knew she was sad but I didn't see her cry.

"She tried to hide all her feelings but you know inside she's this caring and loving person" she said

"She is" I said setting the vegetable aside

"Well, anyways. Come here and taste this" she said. I knew all the things she said was true about Sofia. She's one of the strongest people I've met and I'm very grateful that she's my friend. Nicole came home already and she's doing her work on her room. Mrs Lopez and I were still cooking other food when Sofia came home. She was surprised when she saw me in the kitchen. But then she was followed my none other than Jake. I gave them a smile. "Hey sweetie" said her mom and went to greet them "Hello Jake"

"Hello Mrs Lopez" he answered "Well, I have to get going. I just dropped off Sofia" he said "Bye, babe" he said, kissed Sofia in the cheek making me clench and left.

When the door closed Mrs Lopez said, "He's in a hurry" then turned to me "Well, Xan and I cooked so go get changed and come down with your sister"

I excused myself but Mrs Lopez insisted on me staying for dinner which I had no choice but to say yes. I mean who can say no to this persuasive Colombian.

I stayed in the living room watching more TV as Mrs Lopez clean up the kitchen. I asked her if I could help but she said she was fine. Then after a couple minutes I felt arms around my neck and smelt the scent of lemon. "What are you watching?" she asked bending down

"Avatar" I said then a flash went off and we both turned to Nicole.

"Send that to me" said Mrs Lopez

I Guess I Fell In Love (GxG) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now