Chapter 10: Date?

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Sofia's POV

When I opened the door to her car Xan was there already waiting for me. She seemed to be talking to someone so, I quietly went in

"Yeah, I'd like that" she said on the phone "Well, I have to go. I have to drive Sofi to the bank. I'll see you later?" she asked. "Cool, bye" she said then hanged up. She turned to me and smiled "Ready?"

"Yeah" I said. The car ride was like the usual, Xan and I talked about random things while the radio play in the background. "By the way, who were you talking to?" I asked out of the blue

"Oh, just a friend" she said

I looked at her curiously "Xan, I know everyone of your friends"

"I have other friends besides you guys here ok" she said grinning. "Her name's Camille, I met her yesterday when I went out" she said

Well, that answered my question "Hmm... I'd like to meet her" I told her "based from your look when you guys were talking she seemed special"

"Special? Yeah right" she said sarcastically. "We're just friends, we only met yesterday and her parents. They made me dinner and that was great but I don't know anything about special"

I grinned "You already met her parents ey?" I asked. Maybe this girl may help Xan to forget about her feelings.

"Shut up" she said

We arrived at work and be both walked in "Oh, it looks like they're back together" said Diego

"Hey bro" said Xan fist bumping Diego

Meanwhile, Jemma dragged me to a corner "So, what happened? You guys seem ok now" she asked

"We talked and sorted things out" I told her

So, we talked for a couple more minutes and we went back to the group. "Shoot" said Xan looking down her phone "Guys, I have to go. I'll meet you guys again at lunch". She noticed that I was grinning "Shut up" she said and walked towards the door.

Alexandra's POV

I lost track of time. I was supposed to meet Camille right now so that I can catch up with the others for lunch. "You're late" she said holding a fishing line

"Sorry, there was traffic" I told her "Hello sir" I said addressing the older man with us

"Good morning Xan. I bought my other fishing rod you can borrow" he said pointing at the long stick leaning on the railing.

I smiled and grabbed it "Liar" Camille whispered behind me "You were just flirting with Ms Alreadyhaveaboyfriend"

"Shut up" I told her and went beside her dad. "Is Mrs Montez going to join us?" I asked

"Xan, just call us mom and dad" said the man. Then Camille nudged him "I'm kidding just call us Janet and Fred"

I nodded "So, how do I use this?" I asked

After a couple of minutes, I managed to perfectly cast the rod "Well done!" said Fred "Now, we just wait"

Minutes passed "So, you're studying business" asked Fred

"Yes sir" I answered

"So, you're planning on taking over your family's business empire soon, huh?" he said. I nodded then my fishing line started to unravel so I stood up. I reeled the fish with the help of the father-daughter duo and came out a huge trout. It about the size of my arm "I'm very proud!" said Fred "You caught a big fish in your first fishing trip"

"Beginners luck" I said gripping the slimy fish so that it won't get away.

After a couple of hours, I said goodbye to Fred and Camille. I headed to the usual restaurant and found the others are already there. "Hey guys" I said seating opposite Sofia

"And where have you been. We've been waiting for you and were starving" said Chris

"Sorry, I—" I said but was interrupted

"On a date" teased Sofia with a grin on her face

And with that everyone turned to me "A date? With who?" asked Jemma

"It wasn't a date" I told Sofia who gave me a 'really?' face

"Where were you then?" asked Diego

"I was out fishing" I told them

"A fishing date" teased Sofia again

"It wasn't a date" I told her again. And right in cue the food came and we all dug in

After lunch we all went back to the bank. Sofia decided to ride with me "So, how was it?" she asked

"How was what?" I asked

"You know...your date" she said

"For the last time, it wasn't a date. Her dad was there too" I told her

"Ok...ok" she said with a smile on her face "Why don't you make a move?" she asked

I rolled my eyes "Dude! We only just met" I said

"So, you will" she mocked again

"Drop it or I'll drop you in the middle of the road" I said getting annoyed

For dinner, the Lopez's invited us to join dinner. With my mom being best friends with Sofia's mom of course she agreed and she told me she was lazy to cook.

So, at dinner we all sat around a long rectangular table "So, your vacations nearly over Xan. You ready for your last year?" asked Sofia's dad

"Yes sir. Just a little bit more push" I said taking a bite off my steak

"I can't wait to see our only daughter walking on that stage" said mom

"Finally, both our daughters will be finished. Nicole's, already on her first year in college. They grow up so fast" said Sofia's mom

"So, when are you getting a girlfriend?" asked Sofia's dad making me choke. I can feel Sofia laughing beside me. Both my family and Sofia's know about my sexuality and to my luck they all accepted it.

"Yeah" said dad "We see you always on your phone and grinning like an idiot"

"Yeah, but she only talks to Sofia" said grandpa

"If only Sofia isn't dating that guy, you two would be a great couple. You knew each other since you were kids. And you have our blessing" said Sofia's dad now making Nicole laugh.

Throughout dinner, they were talking about how it would be like if Sofia and I dated making the both of us uncomfortable. And after my family went home and Sofia and I went to the treehouse. "Well that was awkward" I said laying on the floor

"Tell me about it" she said seating and leaning on the door frame

"Why didn't you properly introduce Jake to them yet?" I asked

She went silent "It's just that you have set a high standards to my parents. Compared to you Jake's not that guy they expect me to date" she said

"How is that my fault?" I asked, "All I do is show up in your house"

"They've known you since you were a kid and they know that inside that sarcastic and annoying person is someone nice and caring" she said "Jake. Jake is very different"

I sat up and looked at her "Well, you saw something inside Jake that you liked that's why you date d him. And besides you said he's changing from what he was before"

She smiled "Yeah"

I Guess I Fell In Love (GxG) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now