(This was re-published, sorry for the confusion)
"So where are we going exactly?" Sakura asked, gripping a kunai discreetly. There was no telling if these people would suddenly turn on them.
"To the branch family main house." One of the Uchiha, who had long hair replied, making Sasuke send a glare his way,
"Why not the main house? Are we not good enough for them?" All of the Uchiha visibly tensed, and they all turned to look at him with cold eyes. However, Sasuke was not phased in the slightest; he had been on the receiving end of that glare for years.
"Excuse my rudeness Uchiha-san," Another replied, this one had uneven short hair as if it were cut haphazardly. And the way he addressed Sasuke had grabbed everyone's attention, "It would do you well to not address the main branch in such a way. For your sake,"
Naruto voiced what everyone was thinking "So you mean-" Or at least he tried to, those damn Uchiha were always so impatient.
"They were murdered by the very people who took over the village. Now be silent until we get inside."
Team 7 looked to Gaara for directions. And when the redhead nodded, they all reluctantly followed the three members of Sasuke's old clan.
Walking back into the place of his childhood caused a chilling sensation in Sasuke's chest, one that sent a shiver down his spine each time he saw another person with the same features as his. He felt his palms start sweating as he made eye contact with several of them, waiting for them to recognize and attack him.
However he soon realized that the Uchiha milling about were more focused on his teammates, who didn't have the standard Uchiha look. And although Sasuke felt guilty to admit it, he felt the slightest bit of relief from this.
The three Uchiha led them into the rickety shed in the back of the compound. Sasuke saw them discreetly check their surroundings before slipping inside. Everyone else followed after.
Naruto would have awed at the sight before him if he wasn't roughly shoved into the nearest room. He landed on the floor with an oof, followed by Sakura and Sasuke hitting the ground next to him. Gaara and Kakashi calmly walked in as Naruto lifted himself to his feet, annoyance visible on his face.
"Oh, by all means, manhandle the chuunin why dontcha dattebayo?" He muttered under his breath.
"Your cheek is not appreciated Jinchuuriki." The Uchiha with shorter hair spat, as if the word "jinchuuriki" left a bitter taste in his mouth.
Naruto said nothing. He never did in situations like these. He learned it was best to keep his head down and let it boil over.
Sasuke, however, was a different case. His anger flared as he stepped in front of the Uchiha, a glare on his face that could freeze over the entire Fire Country. "Would you like to repeat what you just said?" He asked calmly, however there was an underlying malice to those words that anyone could detect.
If the Uchiha was phased in the slightest, he didn't show it. "Was it wrong of me to call the container of the Kyuubi a Jinchuuriki?" He asked with a barely noticeable smirk. He was trying to get a reaction from Sasuke, probably thinking that since he wasn't trained formally by the Uchiha, that he wouldn't be able to keep his emotions in check.
Sasuke said nothing, and a flicker of confusion passed over the short haired Uchiha's eyes. But it was gone as soon as it came, and the two of them engaged in a silent staring contest that everyone couldn't help but watch.
Sakura looked around to see that the Uchiha's two comrades also had their gazes trained on the exchange. The elderly dark haired man seated at the table was also watching the standoff with interest, though she doubted anyone else had noticed him. He had been silent this whole time, after all.
After what felt like an eternity of silence, Sasuke opened his mouth to speak, "Not at all," He said. And Sakura stiffened when she realized what he was planning on doing. Establishing unwavering eye contact was only the first step.
Before anyone could process what was going on, Sasuke activated his Sharingan.And the short-haired Uchiha suddenly collapsed to the ground. As everyone's eyes flew to the falling body, the swirling red tomoes in Sasuke's eyes were gone, replaced with an innocent expression. (well, as innocent as he could manage anyway)
Pride surged in Sakura's chest for her teammate, he had trapped an Uchiha in a Genjutsu after all. You don't see that every day. However it was her turn to step up when the Uchiha's comrades started advancing towards Sasuke.
But before another fight could break out, a low, weathered voice rang through the room. "That's enough, Kenta, Hiro."
Naruto whipped around with a dumbfounded look. There was a man watching the whole time? What a creep! And-wait, why was Gaara sitting next to him?
Sorry it was a bit shorter this time, I'll be updating again soon though. ;D

Ascending (Sequel to Rock Bottom)
FanfictionIt's been two years since the Danzo incident. Two whole years since the members of Team 7 have had any interaction with one another. But when an emergency letter is sent from Suna informing them that Gaara has been kidnapped, they are quick to retur...