Chapter 26 - But Who Needs Scorpions When You Have Naruto?

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(Was also re-published)

"Holy shit! What was that?" Sakura yelled as she involuntarily shivered. Gaara subconsciously wrapped his arms around her frame as he waited for the Uchiha to speak up.

"A spying device. I'll speak with Hitomu-sama. You, stay here." He then grunted at Hiro, who Hn-ed and nodded in response as he watched his comrade exit the room.

A few minutes after Kenta left, Hiro started towards the door. "Wait!" Naruto said, making the Uchiha stop. However, he did not turn around, "Where are you going dattebayo?"

"To inform the others. Go make yourselves useful." Hiro replied. And before anyone could ask what "useful" meant, he was out the door.

"Damn, what did we ever do to them?" Kakashi thought out loud. Naruto shrugged, equally confused.

"Well, if the Uchiha are planning to attack soon, how about we find out what we're up against," Sakura suggested, making Naruto do a double take.

"I'm sorry, did you just suggest that we go into a ninja village swarming with S-rank missing nins dattebayo?" Naruto's face morphed into a grin, "Count me in! Let's go Teme, time to steal some tungsten!" Kakashi sent a worried glance to Sakura, but the pinkette only shook her head and followed her teammates out the door.

Kakashi looked at Gaara for confirmation. The Kage waved his hand, "Go, Kakashi. Find out what kind of people we'll be fighting against, and leave the tungsten matter to Shukaku and me."

"Yessir," Kakashi replied with a mock salute.




Sasuke cast a genjutsu on all four of them as they walked outside. It was one that Itachi had taught him before, that even Uchiha would have trouble identifying and dispelling. It would slowly but surely drain his chakra, but Sasuke decided it would be worth it.

Kakashi subtly made a signal, directing the group to the side instead of towards the main entrance. Team 7 wordlessly followed. If what they had been told was true, then there would be no way to leave the Uchiha compound from the main entrance inconspicuously.

Soon, they were out on the streets. Naruto let his eyes wander from face to face as he passed civilians. They weren't looking at him with disgust or hatred. In fact, they didn't even spare him a second glance thanks to Sasuke's henge-genjutsu thing. Was this how ordinary people felt when they walked in public?

The Jinchuuriki's mouth twitched upwards as they walked down a familiar street. On the right was the clothing store where he and Sakura had met Kakashi. There were a few other shops that he didn't recognize, but other than that nothing had really changed.

The five of them turned a corner, and Naruto could barely contain his excitement. This street was basically where he was raised before he met Sakura. Teuchi and Ayame were here! He couldn't wait to see them. Maybe he could order another 30 bowls for old time's sake.

Sasuke noticed what was off first, and gently grasped Naruto's hand. It made the blonde glance down, but only for a second before turning his gaze back to what was in front of him. Sasuke looked sideways at Naruto as he took in the old Ichiraku ramen stand, which looked like it had been abandoned for years.

Naruto pursed his lips, but let no tears fall. It wouldn't be fair for Teuchi and Ayame. If he didn't stay in Konoha, why should they?

"You okay?" Sasuke whispered. Naruto gave a small nod in response, tearing his gaze away from the small stand.

"I smell them too, Akamaru. But they're not here." Sakura almost jumped out of her skin when she heard that voice. Sasuke's throat clenched, but he quickly recovered and proceeded to pull Naruto, who had frozen at the sound of Kiba's voice, along.

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