Chapter 2: The (in)convenience of a rut

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Hey! I bet you guys weren't expecting an update so soon! I failed to mention before that I upload chapters randomly, as soon as I finish a chapter. I work better that way lol. So anyway, here's the second chapter! I loved your comments and I'm glad you all enjoyed the first chapter. Here's to hoping you like this one just as much!

Jin was now undeniably part of the pack. Thanks to Namjoon's care, the scent of his old pack was gone and instead replaced with Namjoon's. In his old pack, his job was to help care for newborn pups and it had always stressed him out. Now, however he had no particular job. In fact, Namjoon left the omegas to their own devices unless it could cause them harm. Even then Namjoon granted them the ability to try things they wanted to do. He claimed that it would enhance their instincts and be good for the future pups. Jin didn't know if that was true or not.

He was currently in wolf form, playing with Tae and Jimin not far from the den. They had all tried their hand at hunting small animals and after a lot of chasing, finally caught a rabbit. Tae was grooming Jin as they stopped to rest underneath a tree. Hoseok was watching not too far away.

Jin learned that although hoseok was the mood-maker, he took his job very seriously. He wouldn't budge when Jimin tried beckoning him to play with them. He instead emitted a low growl in annoyance when Jimin kept rubbing on him and the younger gave up with a whine.

Namjoon's belief was happy omegas make a happy pack, and Jin had to agree with him. With his newfound freedom, he had the chance to try all the things he was forbidden from doing with his old pack. He hunted, wandered freely (within Namjoon's territory, of course), played with the other omegas, and flirted with the alphas of the pack, enticing them for when he would go into heat. Yoongi and Jungkook quickly took a liking to him.

He was much too shy to entice Namjoon, but he had a feeling the alpha liked him either way. Everyone greeted Namjoon when he returned from his patrolling, and everyone didn't miss how he would linger on Jin. He also groomed Jin the longest and there's been countless times Jimin would whine from not being paid enough attention to.

Jin was torn from his thoughts when he was tackled to the ground as Taehyung jumped on him, nipping his ear and neck playfully. Jin yipped happily and tried to get Taehyung onto the floor as he growled and nipped anywhere he could reach.

Jimin was sitting in the shade, contently watching the two play as he cooled down from their earlier scuffling.

Before Jin had the chance to get the younger on the ground, they were interrupted when Yoongi appeared. He gently bit and pulled the back of Taehyung's neck, beckoning him to follow. Taehyung, knowing what this meant, excitedly scrambled off of Jin and began trotting with Yoongi as they left.

Jin watched them go sadly. It was time for Jungkook's rut and he wouldn't see the two in about three or four days. Jimin nudged him softly, sensing Jin's sadness.

At that, Hoseok called them over. Namjoon would soon be returning and they had to be back at the den to greet him. Jin eagerly followed with Jimin sticking close to his side.

There were two dens. The main one where they resided and had marked with their scent. The second one only served as a sort of private bedroom. It was isolated from the main den since the pheromones from a heat or rut could affect omegas and alphas greatly. Hoseok was in charge of protecting the mating den since both alphas and omegas were vulnerable during breeding. During these times, Yoongi took over as protector.

Once they were back at the den, Hoseok nuzzled both omegas, bidding them farewell. Yoongi arrived just as he set off.

Jin shifted and pulled on his clothing and when Jimin saw the older, he did the same.

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