Chapter 51: The go-ahead

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Namjoon kept them moving. They passed through another territory, and it took nearly a week for them to reach the edge of the forest. It was time for them to make a decision. Either they walk through the clearing, or around it.

Which is why Jimin, Jin and Taehyung were sitting on the sidelines anxiously as the alphas argued. After a week, Taehyung finally healed enough to shift back, but the healing skin on his leg was sensitive, so he wasn't allowed to run around.

"We can't go through, it's too dangerous. Don't you think they've been through enough!?" Yoongi shouted as he gestured to the omegas.

"Which is exactly why we need to go though. If we get caught in winter then we're fucked. We shouldn't push them by going around. Do you know how long that'll take?" Hoseok shot back.

Namjoon sighed heavily. It was noon, and they needed to come up with a decision soon. If they chose to go around, then someone was going to have to go out and get furs. If not, then they needed to try and cover as much distance as possible before nightfall.

"I'm with Hobi. We got two pregnant omega's, we shouldn't be putting too much strain on them." Jungkook defended Hoseok, his arms crossed. He shrunk a bit when Yoongi glared at him. The two still haven't resolved anything, still had yet to talk things out.

"If we're going to make this all about them, why not let them have a say?" Namjoon began, his voice a low growl. "Seriously, you three have been arguing all this time, consider their feelings too."

The three went silent, and they turned to Jin, Taehyung and Jimin, who had remained silent the entire time.

"You three are allowed to talk...." Hoseok said after a long silence.

Jimin fidgeted, biting his lip as he responded. "....W-when you're yelling, it's kinda intimidating..."

Namjoon walked over and sat next to them, allowing Jimin to crawl onto his lap. An alpha's anger affected omegas so much, and they often forgot about it. The three were frowning, feeling bad about it now that Namjoon pointed it out.

"S-sorry... Tae, how do you feel about this?" Jungkook asked, his voice gentle as he knelt down in front of Taehyung.

Taehyung looked in the direction of the valley, and gulped. "If we go through, we'll get there faster, right?" He squeaked. When he received a nod from Jungkook, he continued. "But there might also be packs that could hurt us..." Again, another confirming nod. "...Then I vote we go around. I don't want anyone else getting hurt."

Jungkook and Hoseok huffed, but didn't argue. Namjoon ruffled Taehyung's hair reassuringly, smiling warmly at their youngest omega. "And you baby? What do you want to do?" He asked Jimin who had been nervously fidgeting with Namjoon's fingers.

He tensed at being addressed, and swallowed before speaking. "...Um... Well... I don't think going around would be so bad if we had furs. Since we don't have them though, then I'd vote for going through. We'd find shelter quicker and Tae and Jin can rest."

Namjoon kissed him on the cheek after he finished, then turned to Jin. "What about you, Jin?"

Jin sighed softly. He could get where both sides were coming from, but he just didn't feel right going through. Yeah, the journey would be quicker, but it was such a reckless thing to do, to put convenience over safety. "I'm with Yoongi and Tae on this one."

Which meant it was evenly divided within the pack. All eyes turned to Namjoon expectantly. "....We'll need someone to search for furs." Namjoon began, and Hoseok and Jungkook groaned.

"Namjoon, are you sure..." Hoseok began, but was cut off.

"Look, I have to go with the safest option. Right now, avoiding being out in the open is the safest for them- for everyone."

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