Chapter 75: Can you be brave once more?

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Sorry for the short chapters! My laptop broke, so I've been having to write on my phone. ;;

Taehyung coos as Jungkook plays peek-a-boo with their pups. The pups simply blink at him, not yet understanding the concept of playing. Taehyung was just glad that he could have a break, especially after feeding and cleaning them. Pups were a lot of work.

"Hey... Jungkookie? I've been thinking... I want to try hunting. Can you teach me how?"

Jungkook looked up from the pups, his eyes wide. "I don't mind, but why so sudden? You and Jimin haven't tried to hunt in a while."

Taehyung nodded shyly. "When I first came to this pack, I was excited to try all sorts of things. But because you alphas provide so well for me and Jiminie, I think we just got lazy." His eyes traveled to the pups, and he smiled warmly. "But now I wanna try again. I want to become someone dependable too. For them."

Jungkook was a little surprised, to say the least. Taehyung's always had this childlike air about him, and he's never heard the omega talk like this before. His heart swelled, and he turned to his pups with an amused grin. "Can you both believe how great of a parent Tae is already? Even I'm surprised." He laughed as Taehyung scoffed indignantly.

"I just wanted to be helpful and a little independent..." Taehyung sniffed, looking down.

Jungkook hummed in agreement. "And I think that's great. I'd be more than happy to teach you."

The look he received from the omega made his heart flutter. With his signature boxy smile, Taehyung made his way over to Jungkook. He was still recovering, so his movements were limited. Still, he wanted to show the alpha how much he loved him.

He wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, leaning on his back and peering over his shoulder to admire their pups. "...And will you show them how to hunt too?"

"Of course!" Jungkook said matter of factly.

Taehyung giggled and nuzzled against Jungkook's head. "What a great alpha~" He sighed happily.

Their moment was interrupted, when a distinct smell of distress hit their noses. Taehyung cringed and Jungkook growled. It was powerful, and both of them turned back to see Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok entering the den. The three shifted, and their silence confused Taehyung and Jungkook.

"H-how'd it go...?" Taehyung asked, sensing that something was wrong.

Hoseok forced a smile as he walked over to them. He sat down beside Jungkook and ruffled his hair affectionately. " The pups are healthy. They have three, two boys and one girl." He pulled Taehyung onto his lap as the omega gasped.

"A girl!? That's so cute! I can't wait to meet them!" Taehyung exclaimed. He froze though, seeing everyone else's solemn expressions. "T-there's more, isn't there...? How are Jin Namjoon...?"

Jungkook was staring at Jimin, the omega's eyes were a little red and he finally realized that part of the horrible, distressed smell, was coming from him.

Their eyes met and immediately Jimin turned away. Yoongi grabbed his wrist and led him toward the fire. "Lay down Jimin, you should rest." The alpha told him.

"...Yoongi... what happened...?" Jungkook unsurely asked.

Yoongi grimaced. He glanced at Taehyung, the omega looking worried and scared. He couldn't put Taehyung through any more stress. "I'll tell you later." He answered, waving him off. "I'm a little exhausted, so I'm gonna sleep."

It was partly a lie. He wasn't exactly exhausted, but he wanted to avoid questioning as best he could. He had already expressly told Hoseok and Jimin to not tell Jungkook and Taehyung of the events that transpired. He gave them both a warning glare as he passed by, going to the far corner of the den and shifting to his wolf form. He curled around himself and faced away from the others.

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