Chapter 53: Possessive

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Namjoon was glad everyone was close again.

Hoseok and Jungkook came back sporting noticeable limps that slowed them down as they continued traveling the next morning. Taehyung had been happily circling them, his tail wagging like a pup.

He was keeping them at the edge of the forest, the valley visible just beyond the line of trees. Both Hoseok and Jungkook had been satisfied with such a compromise when they realized that Namjoon was going to let their omegas take breaks often.

So when he had them stop after nearly three days of traveling, everyone was predictably exhausted. As soon as they had a fire going, Jin had all but collapsed into Namjoon and was asleep within minutes. Jimin and Taehyung were the same.

Namjoon was sifting his fingers through Jin's hair since his head was rested on his lap. Jin was showing more, just like Taehyung. It was blindly obvious that the two were pregnant. He looked to where Jimin and Yoongi were laying. He knew the two wanted to be mated to each other, and he wondered when that was going to happen. Jimin had his heat already which left Yoongi's rut.

Then Namjoon realized. Only he and Jungkook had gone into rut so far. That means Hoseok and Yoongi should go into rut soon.

By the time Hoseok goes into rut, Taehyung could be too far in his pregnancy to help him out. Once an alpha successfully breeds an omega, neither of the two go into rut or heat until after the pregnancy is over. So Jimin might be the only one that will be able to help them, unless...

He looks down, to where Jin was laying peacefully.

Namjoon shouldn't have a problem with it. The others have never had a problem with sharing Jimin and Taehyung whenever they were in heat. But the whole time Jin's been here, he hasn't been shared with anyone. Namjoon's had him all to himself.

Which made Namjoon think about how he'd feel if either Yoongi or Hoseok needed him. Jimin might not be able to handle both alphas by himself, after all.

Was it wrong for Namjoon not wanting Jin to help? Jin was his mate, and any alpha would be possessive of their mate. But Namjoon was rational, and as pack alpha, he needed to think about the well-being of his entire pack.

He felt Jin move, and his hand paused. He was surprised to look down and see Jin sleepily staring up at him. "...You should sleep." He mumbled.

"....I'll be fine. You should go back to sleep." Namjoon countered. He laughed softly at the pout Jin gave him.

"Namjoon.... I miss you, lay with me." Jin whined, his hands reaching up to try and pull Namjoon down.

"Jin, someone needs to stay awake and keep watch." Namjoon told him amusedly as he gently pried Jin's hands off of him. He stopped when he saw Jin's eyes brim with tears. "Jin, are you... Why are you cry-"

"Fine then." Jin sniffed, and sat up to scoot away from Namjoon.

Namjoon watched with wide eyes, confused as to why Jin was suddenly so angry. "Jin, princess, please don't be mad." He grabbed his mate's wrist, stopping him before he could move away. "I'm sorry, here, I'll lay with you."

Jin glared at him, so Namjoon was careful with his movements. He didn't want to anger his mate any more than he already had. Jin has been having mood swings more often now, and Namjoon knew that it contributed to his pregnancy. Even Taehyung was a lot more sensitive and it made Jungkook confused and scared. Hoseok mostly understood and did his best to tip-toe around Taehyung's feelings.

Once he had Jin in his arms, he gently laid them down so that he was spooning him. "I'm sorry, Jin. I was being an idiot, wasn't I?" He whispered against the back of Jin's neck.

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