Chapter 36: My mistake

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Jimin was sitting on the riverbed, watching Yoongi try to catch trout, but failing miserably. Yoongi had advised him that they should keep their distance. Jungkook was talking to Taehyung now, but he still avoided taking care of their situation. Hoseok mostly sat on the sidelines and watched. Jimin was wondering when they were going to deal with what was going on. It certainly wasn't helping Taehyung or the pup.

So here the two of them were, a little ways up river. Jimin insisted that they should catch something yummy for Taehyung, and Yoongi couldn't help but agree. The youngest omega wasn't eating very much, and it has gotten to the point where Hoseok confessed his worries to Namjoon.

Jimin trembled, remembering the way Namjoon stormed out of the den and right up to Taehyung to check on him. When he saw Taehyung sleeping, his ribcage nearly showing, he came so close to actually hitting both Jungkook and Hoseok. He was furious at them for letting him get that bad.

Jimin crawled to peek around the bushes that revealed the others from afar. Namjoon was cradling Taehyung, and looked to be talking to him. Jimin wondered if his best friend was awake now, and he really wanted to check, but again... Yoongi told him that it's best if they stayed away for a while.

"Fuck...!" Yoongi cursed loudly. The slippery fish that he had yanked out of the water flew from his hands and ended up getting away. Yoongi had been trying for at least half an hour, and Jimin knew he wasn't the most patient.

"Alpha... It's fine, we can get him something else...?" Jimin offered, but Yoongi sighed and shook his head.

"No, I'm gonna keep trying. You can head back though, if you want to. I bet it's boring watching me fail at catching fish and yelling about it." Yoongi smiled sheepishly.

Jimin beamed. If he were to be honest, he wanted to cuddle and talk to Namjoon too. It had been such a long time since he's been able to be with the alpha. "I love you Yoongi~" He giggled as he stood up to leave.

Yoongi's smile grew. "I love you too, Jimin."

Namjoon felt frustrated.

He wanted to take care of Jin, since the omega was a little sore from the previous night, but now he was taking care of Taehyung too. He had told the other two alpha's that whatever they were doing wasn't working and he didn't think they were fit to take care of the youngest omega.

Hoseok didn't argue, which greatly surprised Namjoon. Jungkook on the other hand, almost started yelling, but Namjoon wasn't having it. He couldn't deal with the youngest's shit today.

So he smacked Jungkook upside the head, growling at him to shut the fuck up before he woke Taehyung up with his yelling.

Taehyung was awake. He had woken up in Namjoon's arms and began to cry. Namjoon didn't know if there was any particular reason, except for the obvious. Nevertheless, he cradled Taehyung, cooing softly into his hair. "Don't cry, omega. Look, alpha's here for you. You can tell alpha what's wrong. I'll do my best to help. Shh, no more tears." He gently swiped Taehyung's cheek, wiping away the streak of tears there.

Taehyung sniffled, and tried to bury his face in Namjoon's chest. He didn't speak, which Namjoon found so saddening. Taehyung had always been talkative. Even when he was upset, he at least expressed how he was feeling. What made it worse, was that Taehyung ended up crying himself to sleep in Namjoon's arms. Nothing Namjoon said seemed to have effectively comforted him.

Hoseok had vanished, and Namjoon couldn't help but feel angry at the other. Jungkook was also gone, probably off to hunt. Namjoon wanted to ask the youngest if hunting was really that much more important that he had to neglect Taehyung like this.

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