Chapter 56: It's about time

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After Yoongi went into rut, the rest of the pack were forced to wait for him. Namjoon was a little more than irritated. Both with the fact that they had to wait for so long in one place, and that his predictions of Jin maybe having to help out Hoseok were coming true.

"God, I hate it when he's like this." Hoseok rolled his eyes. Jungkook had his head resting in his lap and the two watched as Namjoon paced back and forth with a grimace on his face.

"Seriously though. It's not like we can rush Yoongi's rut. Plus, Jimin might not be able to walk after their done." Jungkook sighed. Namjoon's only ever became this irritable once in the past, long before Jin had arrived. It was when they had been unable to find food for a couple of days and he went into panic mode, thinking that they'd have to leave or travel further away. They understood why he was like this though. He was just worried for their well-being.

"We should have Jin talk to him." Hoseok glanced at the two omegas who were sitting further away and were playing with the leaves on the ground. Their giggles lightened the somewhat anxious and tense atmosphere.

Taehyung had a boxy smile as Jin sprinkled the leaves over him. The fire that they had made the night prior was dying, and as much as Hoseok wanted to just sit and watch their two sweet omegas, his first priority was making sure they were taken care of.

"I'm gonna get firewood." He patted Jungkook's head and the younger sat up. "Play with those two. If they don't get enough attention I'm afraid they'll start crying." He laughed and stood up. "I'll be back."

Hoseok leaned down and kissed Jungkook fully on the lips, then made his way over to the two omegas to do the same to Taehyung. He gave Namjoon a weary look, one that the pack alpha returned with a frustrated roll of the eyes.

Deciding to listen to Hoseok, Jungkook approached Jin and Taehyung. They both smelled really good. As and alpha, he was already protective over their omegas, but since they smelled pregnant, he didn't want to let them out of his sight.

"Jin, can you talk to that lunatic over there?" Jungkook asked the older as he plopped down next to Taehyung.

Jin looked up, to where Namjoon was at least sitting, but was now brooding. He nodded and left the two to silently tiptoe over to his alpha. He kneeled down beside him and poked his cheek, right where the alpha's dimple usually became visible whenever he'd smile. When Namjoon's eyes met his, Jin smiled at him gently.

Namjoon didn't return the smile, but he cupped Jin's cheeks. "...I just don't want us to get caught in winter. It's already getting cold." He didn't tell Jin that he was worried about Hoseok's rut. He knew Jin had already assured him multiple times, but he couldn't help but be jealous. His eyes traveled to Jin's stomach, which now had a small baby bump. Jin leaned forward and connected their lips, lovingly kissing Namjoon. He hadn't realized how tense he had been, but feeling Jin close, of having his scent so close to him, relaxed him.

"Three of four days, Namjoon. It'll be over before you know it. It's not like Yoongi planned for this to happen."

Namjoon sighed and rested his forehead against Jin's collarbones. He breathed in the sweet scent of the omega. "I know." He replied simply.

"I think you just need a distraction. Otherwise you're going to keep mulling it over. I'm getting a little hungry." He laughed, light and soft. Namjoon was on his feet in seconds.

"Okay...I'll be right back. If you get cold, use the furs." Jin stood up as well and nodded. He leaned forward and pursed his lips, practically demanding a kiss. Namjoon froze mid-step and couldn't help but snort in amusement.

"So pushy." He teased as he indulged Jin and kissed him firmly on the lips.

"I wouldn't have to be if I didn't have such a troublesome alpha." Jin grinned. He turned around and left Namjoon to return to Taehyung and Jungkook.

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