Chapter 10

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"Babe is my interview today?" He walked over and placed his arms around Rian's waist.

"Check the calender" She pulled a piece of toast out of the toaster and buttered it before Turing around to kiss Wes.

There lips still pressed together she managed to say "Good Morning, want some juice ?" He grinned "You know me so well."

He quickly kissed her again and ran out of the door to go for a jog.

Rian had lots of energy she was basically doing laps around the kitchen. She poured herself some juice and walked out into the living where she sunk into the couch.

She pulled her laptop out and placed it on her lap.



"Oh my who is this time?" She announced to herself.

"Blah blah sex tape discovered yesterday blah someone posted anonymously blah mystery girl and Wesley stromberg." She took a sip of her juice, "WESLEY STROMBERG!" Juice sprayed everywhere soaking her laptop screen "shit!"

She bolted from the couch and sped to the closet to grab a towel she raced back and quickly wiped up the mess.

As she was reading the article Wes burst in the door "RIAN!!" She stood up to the piercing sound coming out of his mouth she sulked into the kitchen where Wes was standing holding a newspaper "WHAT IS THIS?!" She looked down "I know.." "HOW ?! I mean WHY? I mean.. Oh my god. My mom reads this!" He screamed.

"WHEN I FIND WHO FILMED THIS IM GONNA BREAK HIS NECK!" He through his fist to the ground and the newspaper flew everywhere.

Rian reached for his arm " we will figure it out." He voice was calm and soothing.

He reached out and pulled her into a tight bear hug, they swayed back and forth as he reached down to kiss the top of her head.

"I'm sorry for yelling." She looked up into his tear filled eyes. She smiled as she wiped away a tear that started to trail down his face. "It will be okay." He broke down and collapsed on the floor she fell to her knees and grabbed him. "What are my fans gonna think.." He managed to get out but he didn't bring his head up from his knees. "I'm scared too but well get through this together."

"How are you so sure?" He looked up slightly before looking back away from Rian he couldn't look her in the eyes.

The door bursted open "dude are you okay?" It was Keaton he pulled Wes up into a bro hug and Wes hugged him tightly and started to cry on his shoulder.


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