Chapter 1

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'BEEP BEEP BEEP' she was brutally awakened by the sharp loud sound of her alarm clock, her body jolted sending her flying and landing straight on the floor. He face met with the cold hard wood panels, her cheek pressed against the ground. She let her body sink into it for a moment before pushing herself up. She untangled herself from her blanket and sulked her way into the bathroom her feet barely leaving the ground. She yawned and glanced at her self in the mirror. " yuck" she announced disgustedly.

Morning breath.

After splashing cold water on her face in hopes it would wake her up. She lazily made her way into the kitchen where a pot of coffee sat on the counter with a note " gone to the gym see you xo jake". she yanked the note off as her knuckles glided against the pot.

Ouch. Still hot.

She poured her self a cup and carried it out onto the deck, collapsing on a lawn chair he legs stretched out reaching past the chair and onto the floor. The birds chirped and danced by, while the wind flew through the trees making the leaves rustle. She chugged back her straight black coffee. The way she liked it. Her body spread out soaking up every bit of sun that reached onto the deck.

His arm reached up towards the suns rays almost as if to grab them. The sky was clear and blue. Not a single cloud in sight. "Beautiful isn't it?" A familiar hand slightly touched his arm. "Indeed it's so... it's so -" "mezmorizing?" Cutting him off. "Yes... Why are you here Carly?"Her face sunk down into her chest. The expression dropped from happy to disappointed in a matter of seconds. " I wanted to see you and I knew you'd be here" " so now your stocking me" he rudely interrupted barely giving her a chance to finish her sentence. His arm nudged sending her hand off. She didn't say another word. They both stood there in silence. Staring off into the mezmorizing sun. " I have somewhere to be" he didn't make eye contact with her, walking away making sure he didn't look back. He always kept her guessing.

She had fallen asleep under the sun. She awoke in a panic , Checking her watch. " Shit! I'm late!" Bolted from the lawn chair and darted through the house into her room. She picked up a slightly beige coloured blouse of the floor sniffing It slightly before sliding it on followed by a black pencil skirt. Slipping on her black pumps so fast she barely made it out the door without falling on her face. She locked it behind her and sped out so fast she lost her balance and went flying off the curb into traffic. mid fall a sturdy grip clasped both of her arms on either side pulling her up quickly and pounding into his chest. Her heart beating so fast she could barely breathe. " Hi I'm Wes." When their eyes locked it felt like the hold world was spinning around . They way the light shone on them making them sparkle ever so slightly she felt weak. " Gorgeous. I uh no I'm not gorgeous.. well you are.. but I uh.. Rian, my name is Rian." "hello there gorgeous Rian" her heart was beating even faster now it felt like it was gonna pound right out of her chest. Her face getting all flustered.

He can't do this to me. I can't think about him like that. Jake.

"It was no problem-" Wes kept talking but Rian wasn't listening.staring at his face. His eyes the way they glistened in the sun. His oh so perfect hands which still had a tight grip on her weak arms. "Well thank you." She released herself from him and stepped back. she really was gorgeous the way her brown hair flowed just off her shoulder in a wave. Her pink Rosie cheeks added a cute touch. " I have to go I'm kind of late for something but if you need a knight in shining armour give me a call." "oh I can't, I have-" but he was already walking way with only the sight of his deadly smile in her mind. "A boyfriend." Her voice lowed and trailed off. Brushing herself off and glancing at her watch "shit!"

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