Chapter One

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Quick note!! 

If you haven't read the first book please go do that now! And if you have read the first book, welcome back! 

F I R S T  S T O R Y:


Oliva switches off the kitchen light as she walks out of her kitchen, taking a sip of her white wine. She walks to the nearest bedroom and peeks in, seeing Jack sleeping peacefully in his bed. She smiles softly and backs away from the door and heads into her large living room. Olivia sits at her desk, setting down her wine glass once she takes another sip. She loved having her nephew Jack over, he even had his own room at her house. She hadn't heard from Scarlett for a while tonight but it's kinda been a thing for the past month. Scarlett claims that she's been working some overtime and that she just needed to be at work to sort things out. Olivia did find it odd but she didn't really think into it too much. She figured that Scarlett just needed to keep herself busy to keep herself sane, that's always been a thing Scarlett has done when crazy things happens in her life. Olivia sighs sadly, not being able to imagine how Scarlett was feeling. She was even surprised she started working again but Olivia guessed she was done with staying locked in her bedroom. Scarlett was a warrior for sure. The women just lost her little brother three months ago and she's doing everything she can at this time to be a good mom and friend. Olivia admired Scarlett, she always has and will most likely always will. 

Olivia brings up her glass to her lips, taking a drink of her wine as she logs into her computer. Life has really picked up for Olivia over the past few months. Her work has skyrocketed and she was just overall happy with how everything was looking for her. She still has yet to find the man of her dreams but she knew it would come one day and she still had her two favorite people in her life and that's really all that mattered to her in the end anyway. Olivia lived a really good childhood. She had her mom and dad and a big house with lots of money. She's had a family to go to but once she met Scarlett she really felt like her family was complete. Scarlett was a badass twelve, almost thirteen-year-old in middle school that actually had a really soft side once you got to know her. The two had an English class together and Scarlett was a genius in it and Scarlett actually offered to help Olivia out in the class since she struggled a bit and soon Olivia was able to repay her once they found out that had a math class together that Scarlett was struggling in. After that first year of middle school, they were forever best friends. Olivia couldn't imagine her life without Scarlett and now Jack. 

Olivia smiled as she thought about when she found out Scarlett was pregnant with Jack. She was super excited to be an aunt of course. Olivia was the only child until Scarlett came around and she became her sister. Olivia did anything and everything she could to help a young Scarlett even though Olivia was off in college.

 Olivia turns around quickly in her seat when she hears her front door burst open and her eyes widen at the sight in front of her. Scarlett stood there clad in all black, a mask pulled up so it's sitting on top of her head and black makeup smudged over her eyes, she guessed to match and blend with her mask. She was leaning against her front door, clutching her side. Olivia quickly stands up and rushes towards Scarlett. Before Olivia could reach her Scarlett collapses on the ground with a thud on the hardwood floors. "Scarlett!" Olivia looks at her face, seeing that her eyes were closed. She quickly checks for a pulse, feeling a faint one but it was there. 

-  A     H O U R    B E F O R E   -

Scarlett pulls her black mask over her face and pulls her hood over her head as she peered from her current position on a rooftop. She was scoping out an area that was high for selling illegal guns. She had gotten word from a source that it was something that was happening currently in this area and that she needed to check it out and see if it was true or not. Scarlett could see a group of men from where she was and she could see that they were all heavily armed. They were guarding a crate and she could tell it had something important in it but she wasn't sure exactly as to what, possibly being the guns. Scarlett really wanted to get these guns off the streets because less illegal guns, less bad people getting their hands on them meaning that less innocent people getting hurt or worse killed. Once Scarlett felt ready she climbed down the side of the building she was on and sneakily made her way over to where the group of people was, making sure to stay hidden the whole time. 

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