Chapter Nine

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"You are not serious!" Scarlett laughs while Olivia chuckles beside her. The two friends were sitting on Scarlett's couch gossiping about Olivia's date. "I wish I wasn't" Olivia shook her head letting out a puff of air. "So let me get this straight," Scarlett starts, turning towards her friend more. "The guy legit brought a puppet with him?"

"And he kept the puppet out the whole time, even introduced himself through the puppet." Scarlett busts out laughing and Olivia just sighs. "The puppet never left."

"Man, that is brutal." Scarlett shakes her head and Olivia sighs. "I swear, men in New York aren't for me."

"Don't say that," Scarlett nudges Olivia's shoulder. "There is some guy out there in this city that is for you, but you can't go looking for it. It'll come to you when you are least expecting it." Olivia studies her friend a moment. "I thought giving advice and to study people was my job." She joked. "So," Olivia trailed off, wondering if she should ask what she's been wanting to ask. "Do you see yourself trying to date anytime soon?" Scarlett bites her lip and looks at her hands in her lap. She starts picking at her nails. "I-" Scarlett shakes her head. "I don't think I could and feel okay about it and honestly there's not anything in me that wishes to date anyone." Olivia nods. "Well, what about going on date? Dates wouldn't hurt right?"

"I was offered to go on a date. Well, I'm not really looking at it as a date considering the circumstances.."

"Wait," Scarlett stopped her rambling and looked at her friend. "You were asked on a date?"

"Again, I don't think this qualifies..."

"Who was it? Where did he want to take you?" Olivia's interest has peaked and Scarlett saw that she wouldn't be able to get out of this conversation. Scarlett sighs and leans back. "Well, the other day I went to the coffee shop, met a nice guy and paid for his coffee. It's not the guy that asked me out so don't get excited." Scarlett said holding out her hand as if to calm her friend, "He left then sometime later I went to leave as well and when I did I wasn't looking and bumped into a guy,"

"Did you spill your coffee on him?" Olivia asked intrigued. "No, thankfully I didn't because his suit looked very expensive." Olivia's expression changed to an impressed one and Scarlett waved her off. "Anyway, he was very nice about me bumping into him and he was very charming." Olivia wiggled her eyebrows making Scarlett roll her eyes and push her shoulder. "What's this charming man's name?" Scarlett racked her brain a moment, trying to remember his name. "Uh, William Russo but he told me to call him Billy."

"William Russo!" Scarlett was taken back by Olivia's shocked excitement. Scarlett slowly nods and she could've sworn Olivia was about to bounce off the couch. "He is the founder and CEO of a company called Anvil. Dude is rich and hot!" Scarlett rolls her eyes. "Not what I'm interested in."

"But it's a plus." Olivia pointed out and Scarlett again rolled her eyes. "What's Anvil anyway?" The subject was changed smoothly. "Not 100% sure. I know it has something to do with ex-military but I couldn't tell you everything about it though. You know who could?" Scarlett wanted to bash her head in because she knew where this was going. "Russo! Russo could tell you all about it when you two go on a date-"

"If," Scarlett interrupts her friend. "If we go on a date."

"You called it a date!" Olivia pointed and Scarlett facepalmed. "I hate you," Scarlett mumbles in her hand and Olivia chuckles. Scarlett glances at the clock on her living room and quickly stands up. "I gotta get going." She starts walking to her room and Olivia stands up and starts to follow her. Before Olivia could step into Scarlett's room the door shuts. Olivia leans her shoulder against the door and listens to Scarlett ruffling around. "Where are you going anyway? You never told me." Olivia strains her ears but doesn't get an answer. As Olivia is about to speak again the door opens and Olivia catches herself from falling and looks at her best friend. Scarlett was clad in the maroon suit, even the helmet and Olivia felt that familiar drop in her stomach. Anytime Scarlett got ready to go out she almost felt sick.

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