Chapter Ten

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Red and blue flashing lights illuminated the dimly lit street. The injured agent was placed on a gurney and Sam, her partner was there by her side, even pilling into the back of the ambulance to ride with Madani to the hospital. Scarlett watches from her position on the roof. She wanted to make sure Madani was safe and in good hands before she left. 

Olivia sat at Scarlett's dining table with her hands clasped together, chin resting there as she listened to the old radio she found that was in Scarlett's bedroom closet. When the front door opens Olivia quickly reacts and turns out of her chair and stands to her feet. Scarlett walks in and rips off the helmet. Olivia turns and switches off the radio then looks back at her best friend. Scarlett shuts the door and Olivia approaches her quickly. "Are you okay?" Olivia's eyes trail over Scarlett, checking for any wounds and after some time inspecting she determined her friend was unharmed, which calmed her. "Scar?" Scarlett was looking at her helmet in her hands and Olivia noticed a streak of red on the wrist of Scarlett's suit. Olivia studies her friend. Scarlett looked rigid and her face puzzled. Something crazy happened. 

Scarlett moved towards the couch and Olivia followed her and took a seat next to her. Olivia waited patiently for her best friend to speak. Olivia didn't know what happened or what Scarlett has seen tonight but she knew something was bothering her and Olivia wanted to know what it was. "It went bad," Scarlett finally speaks, catching her worried friend's attention. Scarlett's voice came out low, a loud mumble. "Homelands plan?" Olivia asked, trying to engage in conversation. Scarlett looks at her for the first time, nodding. "What happened, Scar?"  Scarlett turned away and leaned forward to set her helmet on the table then leans back again. "Somone interfered. They stole the guns." Scarlett sighs. "Madani, the one leading this went in her own vehicle to track down whoever stole the guns," Scarlett licked her lips. "Two people. On distracts her then the other hits the side of her car. It flips I don't know how many times," Scarlett shakes her head and Olivia covers her mouth in shock. "Is-"

"She's okay. Well, she was alive the last time I saw her. Banged up bad but alive."

"Scarlett," Olivia starts, confused. "What has you so shook up?" Olivia's eyes drift from Scarlett's puzzled face to her right leg which started bouncing at a fast pace. She knew that something more had to have happened in order for her to be this shook up. "A man was there," Olivia looked back at her friend's troubled face. "He wore a mask, I couldn't see his face. I let him leave because it was either take him down or make sure Madani was alive," Scarlett sighs and rubs a hand over her face. "When I got to Madani I used her phone to call for help. When I put the phone down on the ground she grabbed me," Olivia's eyes went to the smear of blood on Scarlett's wrist, now knowing where it originated from. "She said a name before she passed out," Scarlett spaced out, her leg bouncing quicker. Olivia reaches forward and places her hand on Scarlett's knee, bringing the bouncing to a stop and catching Scarlett's attention. "A name?" Olivia says, trying to get Scarlett to continue and not shut down. "Castle." Olivia narrowed her brows. "She said, Castle." Scarlett looked at her best friend and Olivia could see the conflict in Scarlett's stormy blue eyes. 

Scarlett stands up and starts to pace the living room. "Why would she say that?" Olivia asks, scooting to the edge of the couch. Scarlett glances at Olivia with a look and Olivia turns her head to the side. "You don't think..." Olivia trails off, not sure if she wanted to continue. Scarlett stops pacing and sighs. "The man was about as tall and as stocky as Frank." Scarlett rubs her face. "It can't be him though, can it?" Scarlett shrugs and looks up at her ceiling. "I don't know, but the fact that he stole guns make it almost too real." 

"Okay, but you said there were two people right? And they were working together?" Olivia asks, standing. "Yeah." Scarlett nods looking at Olivia. "Frank really doesn't work with others, right?" Scarlett thought for a moment. "Yeah, but something could've changed since the last time we saw him." Scarlett moves from her spot and heads toward her bedroom. "What are you doing?" Olivia asks, standing up from her seat and moving to the edge of the hallway. "Changing," Scarlett says once she enters the room and moves out of Olivia's view. After a minute Scarlett comes out of her room adjusting her shirt. Scarlett walks past Olivia and sit at the table and pulls her laptop in front of her and opens it. Oliva walks toward Scarlett as she types furiously on her keyboard. Olivia took a seat in a chair beside Scarlett but she couldn't see the screen. Oliva studied Scarlett as she worked away. 

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