Chapter Eight

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The hall in front of Scarlett was long and dark and for some reason, she couldn't remember why she was there. "Hello?" She asked out loud into the hospital but it seemed abandoned beside for her being there. At the end of the hall, a single light began to flicker, compelling Scarlett to move forward. She wasn't sure where she was going but she let her legs guide her. After a long time of walking, and feeling like the hallway as only getting longer, she finally reaches the end. A single door was there under the blinking light and she reaches her hand forward, placing it on the handle.

Scarlett opens the door to the room and steps in, her eyes on the hospital bed in front of her. Her head snaps to the sound of the door slamming shut and through the small window on the door she could see the light flickers once more before it stops working completely. Unphased, she turns back towards the hospital bed. She couldn't see who was in the bed, it was strange. She could only see their chest in a hospital gown and that there were legs under a blanker. Her eyes move to a table beside the patient and on the table was a glass of water and a small journal with a dark cover. A hand slams down on the table and Scarlett jerks back. 

Scarlett jumps and her eyes shoot open, her heart racing in her chest. She takes a few breaths, trying to calm herself down. The smell of food meets her nose once her heart settles down. She slowly sits up in bed, stretching her tired muscles. She stands up and walks to her bedroom door, grabbing her black silk robe from off the hood behind it. As Scarlett slips it on and wraps it around her body, she peeks into Jack's room to see him not there. Scarlett continues on her way to the kitchen. "You want scrambled eyes, Red?" Dad asked and Scarlett gave him a sleepy nod. "That's all I get?" He asked opening his arms out to his daughter. She gives him a small smile and hugs him and he places a big kiss to the side of her head. His grey sleep shirt is soft against her arms. "Sorry I didn't sleep so well last night," She sets herself at the counter. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that honey, want some coffee?" He asks as he steps away from the stove and walks to the coffee maker. "Yes please." She nods and watches as her dad wipes his hands on his dark blue pajama pants. "Oh, don't worry about Jack Jr. I got him fed and on his way to school in one piece."

"Thank you." She says as he slides a steaming cup of fresh coffee towards her. "So, why couldn't you sleep last night?" She bit her lip. "It was the weirdest dream..." She trails off, thinking about it. "I was in a hospital."

"Where you hurt?" Her dad asks, his back facing her as he cooks on the stove. "No," She shakes her head. "I was the only one in the whole hospital, it was strange. One minute I'm alone, in this long hallway that's partially lit. There's one light that's flickering at the end of the hallway." She bites her lip, trying to remember everything. "Then, I start walking and I end up in a room. Somebody is in the hospital bed but I can't see their face. I can only see their feet at the end of the bed that's under the covers and there's a table on the side of the bed..." The picture forms in Scarlett's head. "There's this small journal there and a barely touched glass of water. Then someone hits the table... I don't know what it means."  She says shaking her head, looking down at the counter in front of her. Dreams are weird.

"That is strange." Her dad says and she nods, grabbing her cup of coffee. Before she brings it to her lips she notices something strange. Instead of a dark brown liquid, a thick, red liquid sits in her cup. A plate is slid in front of her and instead of food, on top of it, there was the journal she seen in her dream. A hand slams on top of it and she jumps, dropping the mug and it crashes to the ground. Glass shatters and the dark red liquid splashes across the floor. 

Scarlett gasps for breath as she sits up in her bed. Her heart was racing in her chest and she could hear it in her ears. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. Eventually, she was able to calm herself down and she looked around her room. This was the first time she's ever had a dream inside a dream. She found it very odd how the brain worked. Dreams are weird. After she's fully calmed down she realizes the smell that's floating around the house. This makes her body freeze, the dream replaying in her head. She slowly gets out of bed and walked towards her bedroom door, grabbing her silk black robe. As she steps out she checks into Jack's room to see him not in bed. Her heart dropped and she headed back into her bedroom and went to her dresser where her purse sat. She reached inside and pulled her handgun out and advance out of her room, carefully walking down the hall.

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