Chapter Twenty (FINAL)

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Anxious. That's the feeling Scarlett has been feeling all day. She has tried getting a hold of Frank ever since she woke up that morning and it's clear in the afternoon. She texted David to see if he knew where Frank could be and he said he had no idea because whenever he left Madani's he hasn't heard from him either. Scarlett tried to keep herself busy by catching up on work and playing with Sumo, even taking Jack out to go shopping for some new school clothes but in the back of her mind she was still very much worried about Frank. 

"Alright, make sure you put them up," Scarlett tells Jack as they enter the house. "Okay, momma." Jack nods, hauling his bags. "Hey Sumo!" Jack greets the big puppy happily who follows him into his room. Scarlett even got herself some new clothes and she brings them to her room. She sets them down on her bed and before she could start putting them up, her phone began to ring in her pocket and she reaches in and fishes it out and takes a look at the caller ID then quickly answers it. "Frank?" Scarlett quickly asks into the phone when she answers the incoming call on her phone. "It's me doll." Frank's voice confirms over the line and Scarlett relaxes some. "Frank, where the hell have you been today? I've been trying to get a hold of you." She basically scolds into the phone. She has been so worried about him the whole day, wondering if he was alright. "I'm sorry, I just ran into some situation today."

"Situation? What kind of situation?" Scarlett asks the tone in her voice gives away that she's slightly worried. "Bill." The mention of the man's name makes Scarlett's blood run cold. "He showed up into Curts apartment this morning and he shot him in the arm. I was across from that building on the roof with my sniper. We decided that we'll end this tonight." Scarlett stood there a moment, letting the information process in her brain. "When you say settle things, you mean you two are going to try and kill each other?"

"Yeah." Scarlett sighs and shakes her head. "Where are you, Frank?" He stays quiet for a moment. "You can't be around me, Scar. Not today, not until I finish this."

"Let me at least know where you two are doing this at. Let me help you, Frank." Scarlett pleads with the man. "No, doll. I'm not letting you get involved with this mess. It's between me and him, not you."

"He could kill you." She blurts out. It's something that was at the top of her mind. "What will I do if he kills?" The line was silent a moment. Frank was silent for so long Scarlett almost thought she lost him. When she was about to speak he finally cleared up the silence. "I love you, doll." The line goes dead and Scarlett's eyes widen. "Frank?" She pulls the phone away from her ear and she confirms that he hung up on her. "Damnit." She curses, tossing her phone onto her bed next to her. What was he getting himself into? Her phone dings and she take s a look to see a text from Olivia. 

Hey girl, when ever I finish up work and do some last minute errands, I'll be heading that way :)

Scarlett sends her a text back then starts to straighten everything up.


Scarlett get's up when she hears a knock at the door and she opens it assuming it was just Olivia, thinking she has forgotten her key again. "Do I need to make you another copy or-" Scarlett's words trail off and her heart sinks when she sees the person that stood on her doorstep. It definitely wasn't Olivia. "Hey, beautiful." Billy leaned against the door frame of her front door and she looked him over. He was clad in dark tactical clothing and he had a bullet proof vest covering his chest. She also noted that he wore a pistol on his hip. "What are you doing here?" Scarlett asked, trying to stay calm. "It's kinda chilly out tonight, mind if I come inside?" Scarlett contemplated this. She decided to step aside and let him in so she didn't start conflict right away. She needed to come up with a plan.

Billy stands in the middle of the room, looking around. Scarlett walks past him so she could stand behind the couch, also blocking the hallway with her body. "You have a very beautiful home." Billy compliments and she tries to muster up a fake convincing smile, but she knew he could tell it was fake. "Look, I know you probably don't think the best of me right now and that's understandable," He starts, taking a step closer to Scarlett and she takes a step back in return and she curses at herself in her head. She was showing fear. Billy stops moving and holds his hands out in surrender to her. "I'm sorry that you have had to deal with this mess. You definitely don't deserve it." Scarlett doesn't move her eyes away from him, watching that man like a Hawk. "I've really enjoyed the time I've spent with you, Scarlett. I have never felt this way about anyone before honestly," Billy scratches the back of his head as he looks down at his feet shyly and Scarlett takes this time as an opportunity to spot her purse. If she finds her bag, she'll find her gun. Scarlett glances to the dining table where her purse was sitting. Her eyes move back to him and a plan slowly starts to form in her head.

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