Chapter Fifteen

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"Scarlett?" The walkie on her desk cracks throughout her office and she reaches for it, pressing the button on the side. "Yes, Marvin?" Scarlett releases the button with a sigh, looking around the room as she waits for a response. "We have a problem." Scarlett could hear some commotion in the background and she stands from her seat. "Please, hurry! Lobby!" Marvin says rushes and Scarlett quickly run out of her office, clipping her walkie onto the waistband of her pants. Scarlett presses the button of the elevator and rushes in and presses the ground floor button, praying it goes fast. As soon as the elevator door opens Scarlett rushes out and there were a couple bystanders watching the commotion. Scarlett saw a bunch of camera and people with microphones being held back by staff and hotel security.

Scarlett rushes and begins pushing people back, helping get them out of the hotel. "You need to move now and leave!" Scarlett yells and everyone starts to throw questions at her.

"Scarlett, do you know any more about the bomber?"

"Why is Senator Ori here?"

"Are you scared that you or this hotel are a target of the bomber?"

"What can you tell us about the return of Frank Castle?" 

"Is Frank Castle and the bomber really working together?"

"Did you know about Frank Castle being alive?"

"Are you and Frank Castle still lovers?"

"All of you need to leave now!" Scarlett shouts and they are able to get a hand on the situation and are able to push them out the doors. Scarlett places her hands on her lips, letting out a sigh. "Well, that was a shit show." Marvin sighs, looking at Scarlett. "Are you okay?" Scarlett rubs her forehead. "Yeah, there's just a lot happening all at once." Over the past week now there has been so much commotion surrounding her since Frank Castle was now alive. "Right, I can't imagine being you right now." Scarlett nods and starts to walk towards the elevator. "You should maybe take the rest of the day off? Hangout with your son? Just, try and get your mind off things." Marvin suggests, really wanting Scarlett to take it easy. She's been overworking herself and there was a lot mentally going on for her and he just wanted her to be okay. "Uh, I don't know, Marvin-"

"Hey," He places his hand on her shoulder when they stop at the elevator. "Take today off. You need it right now. I'll handle things today and tomorrow if you need another day. Just rest, Scarlett. The hotel will be okay without you for a few days." The elevator door opens and Scarlett steps in. "Thank you, Marvin." He nods with a smile and as soon as the elevator doors are about to close a hand stops it and there is Bill in another one of his nice, fancy suits. 

He steps in as Marvin gives Scarlett a knowing look and she sighs. "You alright? That was quite a commotion." Billy said as he adjusted his tie that was a little crooked. He was also helping with the crowd. "Uh, yeah. I'm alright." 

"It must be shocking to hear about, Frank." Scarlett glanced at him then back at the elevator door. The way he was talking to her, she could tell it all wasn't sincere like he's trying to make her think. "Well," She sighs.  The elevator doors open and Billy starts to step off. "It must be hard for you too, considering he was your buddy." Billy had a look on his face that Scarlett couldn't read and she didn't have enough time to analyze it any further because the elevator doors slide close, separating them. The more Scarlett was around Billy the more she thinks she's starting to see his true colors. Scarlett knows he's working with William Rawlins who was over this Cerberus Group in Kandahar that Frank was telling her about but what Scarlett didn't know was how involved was Billy in everything Rawlins did. She was sure she would find out.

As Scarlett left the elevator she pulled her cell phone from her pocket and dialed a number. She walked into her office, phone held to her ear.


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