Chapter Nineteen

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The time felt like it was moving in slow motion. Frank and David left maybe 30 minutes ago and Scarlett has been on edge ever since then. Madni told Scarlett that she would contact her personally once everything went down so she wouldn't have to worry. Scarlett took off work for the whole week and was keeping Jack out of school for the day deciding they all needed a break. Olivia said she could stay with Scarlett and Jack so they wouldn't be alone but Scarlett dismissed her friend. She didn't think it was fair to always drag Olivia into everything and just told her to go to work and get things done that she needs to get done in her life and that she and Jack would be just fine. 

Scarlett tried to do everything in the world at the moment to try and keep herself sane and busy. She cleaned her entire house, even mowed the front and back yard in the freezing New York weather. She did all of the laundry and organized every little thing that was out of place. Scarlett kept her phone near her at all times of the day and anytime it would ring she jump and her heart would pond just to see it to be a scam number. She hated getting so worked up like this and she usually wasn't like this at all but when it came to Frank Castle she was a nervous wreck. After her phone rings again and her hopes get put down yet again she huffs and places the phone into her jean pockets and headed towards Jack's room and peeks in when she makes it there. Jack was sat playing with his green army men and the large Dinosaur that he got for Christmas. She smiled and backed away from the door and headed into her bedroom. She takes a seat at the foot of her bed and lets out a long breath. Leaning forward, Scarlett reaches under her bed and grabs the first thing her hand hits. It was the same photo album she was showing Jack. 

She smiles softly to herself as she skims through all the pictures, her mind is flooded with memories. As she looks at the still photo the memory that's frozen in time replays in her head. Scarlett pauses on a picture of her and her mother. Scarlett was just a baby and she was bundled in her mothers' arms who had a large beautiful smile on her face. She wished she gotten the chance to know the women, Scarlett was so young when she left and Matt was just a baby. Her eyes move to another photo and her smile grew. It was of Scarlett and her father. She was maybe five here and she wore red boxing shorts and longe pigtails in her hair. The red boxing gloves bigger than her head. Her father was standing behind a punching bag, holding it for Scarlett as she punched it.

"Common red! I know you can hit harder than that!" Jack laughs at his daughter. The pair was in his boxing gym. She was just so darn cute to him and her determination was even cuter. "Okay, daddy!" She swings her hand back and the glove connects with the bag and Jack pull the bag back some to make it look like Scarlett hit it harder than she actually did. "Whoa, see! I told you!"

Her father's voice fades away with the memory. That day was so wholesome and pure, her dad was her best friend. Scarlett followed that man around everywhere he went and she wanted to be just like him in every way she possibly could. She looked up to him. Scarlett sighs and flips through a few pages, stopping to look and relive the memories. Scarlett ends up on some of the las pages and they consisted pictures of her and Matt when he was getting ready to head off to college, when Jack was first born, Her and Olivia, just a great mix of her and the people she loves so dearly. She freezes when she comes across a picture that's all by its self in a page by its self. She peels back the clear plastic and grabs the photo. She swallows hard. In the photo, she stood kissing a tall man with raven hair. Kilgrave. 

Scarlett studied the picture for a moment, she had completely forgotten about this picture and that whole day in general. At this time in her life, she had short blonde hair that was just above her shoulders and Kilgravs hair was cut short. They both looked so young here. Her eyes roam over the photo and was about to put it back when she noticed someone familiar in the background. She felt her heart flip in her chest and her stomach dropped. There, sitting on a bench was the love of her life. He sat with his legs spread out like always and his arm was wrapped around a beautiful woman. Was that his wife? After staring at it for a while Scarlett wanted to slap her self. How couldn't she have remembered that day? She actually met Frank Castle years before the apartment.

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