Chapter Three

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The air was crisp, the hot sun shining down. Scarlett smiles and laughs as Jack tumbles around the backyard with Sumo chasing him closely. She watched her son fondly, happy that he was so happy. A pair of strong arms wrap around her waist and Scarlett's smile grew wider if that's even possible. The person set their chin on her shoulder and watches Jack with her. "That boy is something else." She mumbles softly, eyes watching her son as Jack plops down in the grass, Sumo jumping on top of the giggly child. "Well, he is like his momma." A gruff voice says right beside her ear. The voice was gravely yet soft at the same time. It was a voice Scarlett absolutely loved. 

Scarlett turned in their arms and slapped his chest out of mock offense. "What is that supposed to mean?" The man in front of her chuckled and shrugged his broad shoulders. "That he's very energetic and spunky like his beautiful momma." Scarlet rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Alright, you're safe for now, Castle." She pointed a mock stern finger. "You better behave yourself." Frank put his hands up in surrender. "Yes ma'am." Scarlett nods in approval and Frank studies her. 

"What are you thinking about, Doll?" Scarlett lifted her gaze up to his, her eyes looking into his deep brown eyes. "I've missed you, Frank. So has Jack. We both have missed you so much and to finally have you back is so crazy." Frank smiles softly and takes her hand in his. "You know I love you and I love Jack like he's my own. The two of you have motivated to do the absolute best that I'm physically capable of." He squeezed her hand in his. "We did it, Scar. This is it. We have a family. A beautiful one that is steadily growing." Frank takes his hand from hers and places it on the small bump that was forming on Scarlett. Scarlett smiled down at his hand on her stomach then looks back up at him. "I love you, Frank." They move closer to each other, lips coming so close to touching-

"Momma!" Scarlett quickly sat up in bed and was met face to face with her son. She places a hand on her chest and lets out a deep breath. "Yes, Jack?" Scarlett asked, almost breathless from being startled awake. "Is it okay if I stay the night at Michael's tonight?" Her growing son asked, looking at her with hopeful eyes. "Sure, but you have to call and make sure it's okay with his mom." Jack has already jumped off her bed and is halfway out her bedroom door. "Thank you!" He shouts as he enters the hall. Scarlett shook her head with an amused look on her restless face. She brings her hand up to rub the sleep away from her eyes. Scarlett glances at the picture of her and Matt then gets up to go take a shower. Everything necessary for a shower was collected and put in the bathroom and Scarlett turned on the warm water and got under it, feeling her muscles relax.

Her mind wonders as the warm water washes over her body. Scarlett hasn't dreamt of Frank in a very long time and every time she did it brought back that hurt in her heart. Frank being gone out of her life was hard, especially that night when she saw him on the rooftop after thinking he was dead. It instilled some hope in her and she waited for him to come back, to show up at her door but he never came back and he never showed up. Scarlett understood of course for the most part. Frank was still trying to figure out who he was and he was a wanted fugitive here. It made sense to her but that doesn't mean it hurt any less. Sure, there were some days that she could go without him crossing her mind but then there were the select days where he would come waltzing back into her lonely mind, taking it hostage. It was the days when she felt lost, scared, frustrated, anytime something drastic or tragic happened in her life. 

One of those days was when Matt died. This was one of the hardest, if not the hardest thing that Scarlett has ever dealt with and the death of her father was hard enough. She just felt so lost and confused. There was so much pain and sadness in her and she struggled with the death of her brother. Matt has always been around and to not get a call from him or see him on the street was slowly eating away at her. The few months after his death has been so hard and she struggled trying to fix everything in her life. Scarlett was trying to be a single mother, be a good friend, work and try to stay sane which wasn't easy to deal with. It has been months now since Matt's been gone and her heart still hurts at the thought of him being gone for good. Scarlett was lucky enough to have an amazing best friend and some really good friends that helped her out with everything and she was very grateful for everything they did for her and Jack.  Once she was alone and was able to give her mind a break from focusing so hard on other peoples needs and was able to get lost in her own thoughts, Frank crept into her mind. The thought of him was very bittersweet. She missed him deeply and wished he was there with her, but thinking about him made her feel a little more at ease and calm. She loves him and she probably will forever and she wishes every day that she knew where Frank was or if he was even alive but maybe that's what she gets for being in love with The Punisher.

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