Chapter Twelve

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 "Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you 

Happy Birthday dear, Al-"

Scarlett watched as the explosion hit and everyone in the video drop to the floor. She was leaned against a table in on of the staff only room at the hotel. She and a few of her other colleges stood around, looking at the TV that displayed the recent bombings that happened earlier that morning. 

"What you're looking at is video taken by an employee of the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms field office at the Wall Street Pier. Two other explosions occurred at the NYPD's 10th Precinct and the Federal Courthouse in Foley Square. And we should say, everyone in this video is alive, but there were others that weren't so lucky." 

Scarlett shook her head. Some asshole decided to plant bombs and hurt and kill people for what reason? Whoever it was, they are a coward. "Can you believe the shit?" Marvin asks, leaning on the table right next to her. "A lot of people are going to be shaken up by this," Scarlett says, not taking her eyes off the TV. "People are scared and we have to make everyone here feel safe." She glanced over at Marvin. "I need to have a mandatory meeting with all of the staff right here. Make the call and get everyone in here that are working today. They need a pep talk."

"Yes, ma'am." He nods and walks out of the room. Scarlett watches the screen in disgust. Whoever this asshole was, they were going to get what they deserved. 


"Alright, everyone. Thank you for coming." Scarlett stands in the middle of the room, the large group of people quiets down, all eyes looking to her. "I know all of you have heard about the bombings that happened earlier today," A few whispers erupt across the room but Scarlett continues to speak. "September 11th, 2001." She looks around at everyone. "Something very devastating happened this day and I can guarantee you that all of you can remember exactly where you were when it happened." Scarlett paused before continuing. "This didn't bring people down, this event only made people stronger because New York never forgets." Scarlett turns took look at more people. "So don't let these attacks scare you because they were performed by a coward. A coward sitting behind a button.

We will stand strong just like this city will. We will not be afraid of someone who deserves nothing. Not even our fear. This monster will not bring us down because we are not fearful. We are strong and pissed off and will not let some prick bring us down! We are New Yorkers and we are strong!" Everyone erupts into cheers and Scarlett looks around, satisfied with the outcome. 

Soon everyone goes off to do their job and Scarlett begins to walk out of the room and Marvin is leaned against the wall with a smirk on his face. "What are you smirking about?" Scarlett asks as she walks past him. "That was a really good speech you gave everyone in there." He said as he followed her, soon catching up to her side. "It was nothing honestly." Scarlett shrugged as she pressed a button on the elevator and Marvin scoffed. "I'm serious, Scarlett. A lot of people were scared today and that speech has changed everyone's demeanors. The door dings opens and Scarlett steps in and Marven stays out. "Sometimes people need to get motivated, that's all I did." Scarlett shrugged and pressed the floor her office was on. "You're damn good with people, Scarlett Murdock." With that being said the elevator doors slide close and Scarlett was left alone. 

She didn't this her speech was anything special, it was just her being in charge and helping the people she worked with feeling safe and motivated. Scarlett would have wanted the same thing if she felt scared in their positions. The doors open and Scarlett steps out, walking to her office. She tried not to let fear consume her because all fear did was freeze people up and get people killed. She didn't have time for that. Scarlett unlocks her office door and goes in and takes a seat in her chair. Scarlett presses a button in the back of her computer and the screen lights up. Her fingers glide across the keys as she types in her password and then she begins her job. 

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