Chapter 10: Maybe He's Not So Bad

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So here I am. At the Eastwood Ice Arena. Being the lookout, as Zachary Marning tries to unlock the gym door. Did I mention that once we pass those doors we'll technically be trespassing? No? Well now you know. All at a church event too. How ironic.

Zach's been at the top of the two flights of stairs for like 10 minutes trying the various keys while I'm at the bottom leaning against a wall attempting to look innocent and not like this is one of the most thrilling experiences ever.

 What? I don't get out much.

I'm about to bail like the wimp I am when Zach calls out, "Got it!"

I bolt up the stairs where he's waiting, holding the door open for me with an excited grin.

He looks around one last time before following me in and carefully shutting the door. Even with his caution, the door makes a loud clanging sound that no doubt echoes throughout the stairwell. We wait a beat, and when no one comes running, demanding what in hell we think we're doing, he lets out a sigh of relief and turns to me.

We smile at each other mischievously and then, as if we realize where we are and who we're with, it suddenly gets awkward.

"So, what now?" I ask. He just shrugs with boyish innocence and walks past me.

Its then that I realize that I've actually never been in here. I take a second to look around. I've never seen the gym open and it looks like it hasn't been used in a while.

Dust coats the equipment and the benches. Lockers line the right wall and the far wall is where the bench-pressing equipment lies. I walk around the room and am taken aback by how truly small it is. It probably doesn't even take up the whole floor.

The left wall is full of windows, overlooking the rank that the young adults are in. Zach stands by one and looks down.

"Hey, is that your mom?" he asks and I walk over to see what he's talking about.

And yes, it is my mom. And it looks like shes tryna flirt it up with the Young Adults Pastor. Playfully pushing his arm, both of them laughing. I'm speechless.

"Y-yeah, it it," I say and upon seeing the expression on my face he nodded understandably and pursed his lips trying not to laugh. I send a glare his way but I cant really blame him. If it was anybody else mom I'd be laughing up a storm.

"Its not funny Zach!" I exclaim but that just makes him cover his mouth, obviously hiding the enormous grin that lights up his face. It doesn't look half bad.

"Yeah," he cough/laughs, "course not." And I cant help it, I'm smiling too.

"Shut up!" I yell and he bursts out laughing, bending over, can-barely-breathe laughing.

"And the best part is, that the guy looks like he thinks he's the slickest dude in the world, he has the smirk and everything!" He gasps out and then Im laughing with him.

"You know what! If it was your mom you wouldn't be laughing right now so ha!" I declare and then seeing the look on his face I completely regret it. I completely forgot, he doesn't have a mom. Oops.

"Yeah, your right. I probably wouldn't be," he says sadly. At least he's not angry, I don't think I could handle that.

"Right. I'm sorry I-I forgot," I say and all his attention locks onto my face.

"You know?" He asks, utter shock on his face. Then a little resentment.

"I didn't want anyone to know. How did you even find out? Who did you tell? I swear if I come back to school Monday and everybody knows - " I spoke too soon..he's definitely angry.

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