Chapter 6

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"Ariel, open this fucking door! Ariel! Ariel! Ariel, open the door" pounding came from the other side of the door and I groaned, opening my eyes slowly.

I stood up slowly as I realized I was in the bathroom and I opened the door.

On the other side of the door, I came face to face with my mom and surprisingly Robbie wasn't with her.

"What the hell" her eyes roamed my body more specifically my arms and I smirked, my memory finally coming back to me.

"If you really think that Robbie will leave me for you just because of this stunt-" she tried to continue but I was already pushing past her. She grabbed my chin to stop me.

"You're an attention seeking whore" she spat and I clenched my hands into fists. "This stunt won't work, you hear me? It never worked the last time, it certainly won't work now"

I remained silent as I walked past her to lock myself in my bedroom. I leaned against the door, contemplating my messed up life.

My mother thinks I'm stealing her boyfriend. Her boyfriend tries to sleep with me every chance he gets. He has goons watching me so I can't really do much.

I wanna leave. I wanna get away from here. Away from my mom. Away from Robbie. I don't care where I go as long as it's away from this place.

Why am I just now thinking about this?

My mind started to drift into troubled waters? I was thinking. I didn't want to but I was.

What if my dad wasn't a coward and he stayed? What if Robbie hurts me in the end? What if my mom is so blinded by love that she just ignores everything that Robbie does? To me. To her. To anyone else who's been hurt by that swine.

What happens when you leave from here? You don't have anywhere to go. This is all you have left.

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed an escape. I couldn't breathe. It felt like I was suffocating even though there was oxygen around me.

I immediately got up and threw on a hoodie and a leggings. I peeled off the bloody clothes and once I was ready, I rushed out of my room and out of the suffocating house.
Justin's POV

"What's wrong? " Gemma wondered as I tightened my hands on the steering wheel.

"I... I don't know. I just have a bad feeling" I admitted and she stared at me for a little while.

"I'm sure nothing's gonna happen" she reassured and I nodded,slightly agreeing with her but that feeling still remained.

Why didn't I just listen to it?


Ariel's flashbacks

"Daddy, push me higher" my little six year old self squealed.

I giggled as daddy pushed me higher on the swings. Dad and I were playing at the park. I wanted mom to come too but she snapped at me saying that she had work to do.

She always had work to do. Sometimes I would think that to her, it was more important than her. She was a lawyer.

"There you go, princess" my dad chuckled. I loved these moments with him but I never expected it would be my last ones.

"Daddy" I pouted."Mom won't give me any pie"

A deep laugh sounded from the man I had once adored. The man I had trouble remembering since he left. The man who I once called daddy.

"Oh, really now, princess" he lifted me onto his lap." Why's that"

"Because she says she doesn't wanna ruin my aptitude . What's aptitude daddy"

He laughed at my silly mistake," It's not aptitude, Princess, it's appetite and I think you better listen to your mom on this one"

"I've had enough of this. You lied every day for the past week, saying you were at work but really you were with that wretched man" Dad shouted at mom. My six year old self was hiding in a little corner on the stairs, trembling under his harsh voice.

He had never ever shouted at her or mistreated her in any way but that night was different. I knew something major would happen. I couldn't understand what he was saying but I just knew it.

"He loves me, Chris, he told me that. He wants to-" my mom's voice cracked. I saw him from the step that night, packing up his bags. Leaving without me. Leaving without me and my mom.

"That's enough, Cassie. You're not happy, I know that but I can't believe that you went behind my back and that too with-" Daddy closed his eyes, inhaling deeply before opening them again. "I'm done. It's over. I will be staying at a hotel tonight"

"Daddy please don't go" I begged. I found myself running to him and latching onto his legs.

"Don't worry, Princess, I'll be back, I promise, I love you so much" he promised and then he slipped out the door.

"Daddy, please, come back"

I was crying, no sobbing. I couldn't understand what was happening. I was six for God's sake but I latched onto his words, hopeful he would come back.

"Don't worry, baby, I'll take care of you. I'll take care of both of us" my mom whispered and I believed her as well.

At the tender age of eight , I learnt that promises weren't meant to be kept. They were meant to be broken.

My dad never looked for me. He broke his promise. A few days after the incident we moved but he never came looking for me. I always wondered, what if he found out about everything that's happened, would he have come back? I convinced myself that he really didn't love me. He didn't care. I just had to accept that.

My mom broke her promise too. I remember after Dad left, we moved away and into a drug dealer's house. She loved him, very much and I wondered if she ever loved Dad.

I remember men would come over and the man would prostitute my mom for money. For drug money. The worst thing is, she didn't even object.

Men would rape me everyday. I was raped at least twice a day, just for money. The drug dealer allowed it. Whenever he was running low on cash or if they were just fucking high or drunk,they found pleasure in raping and exploiting a six year old. I couldn't do anything about it.

Mom wouldn't do anything about it either, she didn't care. I remember screaming for her multiple times but my calls fell on deaf ears.

I was messed up. I wondered if that was how a child should act like. A slave for older men but whenever I saw happy children, with their perfect parents, I immediately knew better. Nobody wanted me. No one loved me. I found out that people are only gonna use you.

I didn't have anyone.

Harsh truth but that was the reality as I got older. I learnt that promises were a waste of time. I was definitely sure at age 8 that my dad wouldn't find me after mom, moved us again, so everything just went downhill from there. My hope and faith just disappeared.

Well guys, that is Ariel's past. Her hatred towards her mother, the reason she doesn't have a father, it's all explained in this chapter.

I know it's intense but this is the direction I want the book to go in.

Anyways, I hope you guys like the book so far.

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Next chapter coming your way. Bye😘.

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