Chapter 19

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Ariel's POV (Ariel's memories)

I let out yet another heart breaking sob as the stranger finished up with me. He stood up, mumbling something about how his time was almost up. Tears leaked from my eyes as the place in between my legs throbbed and hurt so bad. I closed my eyes at the memory of what happened for the last thirty minutes.

"I enjoyed you so much. You're such a good girl" he murmured in my ear and I clutched onto the bed sheets for stability.

"Time's up, Charles" the door swung open to reveal the man mom moved us in with. He seemed to ignore my shaking body on the bed as he grabbed the man by his forearm and dragged him out of the room.

I could hear them talking about the money but I paid them no mind as my eyes stared blankly at the walls sitting opposite me. The pain between my legs seemed to dull enough to cause only a slight sting as I moved but even then I winced at the feeling. The feeling felt so unreal as I experienced it but yet it was happening.

I was confused. I didn't know what they were doing. I just couldn't figure out what was happening.

I curled up into a ball as shouts traveled throughout the whole house. I covered my ears to block out the sounds but it did little to nothing. Then I heard it.

It went off throughout the house and soon I was screaming out of fear.

The bullet sound came from a loud gun and then screams were heard including my own.

The man stood at my door, glaring daggers at me. There was blood seeping out of a wound in his stomach and I curled back in fear.

"You see what you've done you little bitch"

"No please" I sat up in my bed, breathing heavily and loudly. I had sweat sticking to my skin like glue and my body quivered violently as the memory replayed over and over again in my mind.

This is all it is, Ariel. A memory. So calm down.

I took my own advice and forced myself to physically and mentally calm down. I inhaled deep breaths of air, clenching and unclenching my fists as I reminded myself it was all in the past.

It's all in the past, Ariel. It won't happen to you again.

I closed my eyes briefly before opening them again. I looked over at my phone that read '11:45 am'.

My eyes widened as I looked at the large digits. Is it really that late? Did I really sleep that long? By now I would've missed at least two classes. Why didn't mom wake me up?

Oh wait, Ariel. Remember that you don't have a mom anymore.

I chuckled bitterly before pulling my knotted black hair into a messy bun. I then proceeded to take out clothes for me to put on when I come out of the shower I was going to take. I took a ten minute shower before throwing on the plain white crop top and the black skinny jeans, along with my lacy underwear.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, I soon recoiled at the sound of something breaking in the kitchen. I immediately walked warily down the small hallway, before I came face to face with shattered glass all over the small kitchen.

Mom, I thought. I recognized her instantly with her mid back length hair and her small figure. Her figure shook violently and even though her back was to me, I could tell she was holding something in her hand.

"Mom" I called hesitantly, walking up slowly behind her.

She let out a shriek as she turned towards me, a certain look in her eyes. She glared daggers at me, and it was then that I realized she was crying.

"You..... " she cried aloud." You destroyed everything"

"What" I asked immediately, my eyes watching her.

"Oh don't act like you don't know" she whispered. "You take every one away from me. First it was your dad. Now it's Robbie. Why can't you just leave my life alone"

"I don't understand. I.... " I gasped." What happened with Robbie?"

"It was supposed to be a happy moment. I was so happy but then you just kept popping up everywhere and now I guess this baby doesn't even have a reason to be born"

I froze after a few moments, her words sinking in. They left my mind immediately going into overdrive.

"You're pregnant?" I asked, tears in my eyes. "How could you be so careless? So reckless? Robbie-"

"Already knows. I told him a few hours ago and he left. He freaking left and it's all because of you"

"How is this my fault?" I rasped out, feeling emotionally drained. Is this for real? Please just let this be a dream. Please I can't believe this is real.

"You kept flirting and flirting and you kept pushing and pushing so much. You kept trying to steal my man and congratulations you've freaking succeeded, leaving a child fatherless"

"Oh please, mom. We both know Robbie wouldn't have accepted the responsibility. His illegal work is more important than raising his own child... "

" I wanted to get pregnant. Ever since I realized you were stealing him from me, I made sure it happened. I tried over and over and now, I still haven't won the game"

"How can you be so selfish? There's an innocent child growing inside you and all you can think about is yourself" I mumbled.

"This child is a mistake" she suddenly pulled out a steel gun, pointing it at her stomach. She smiled sadistically at me and I watched in fear, already feeling protective over the unborn child.

"Stop, mom, what are you doing? Put the gun down and let's just talk about it"

"It's a mistake. What is there to talk about? Robbie doesn't want it" she snapped, her finger hovering over the trigger.

"When did you become so selfish? You got pregnant, thinking about your own happiness and not this child's. That's an innocent being inside of you" I argued, stepping closer to her. She snarled at me.

"My mind is made up, Ariel. Besides everything is your fault so why do you care?"

I struggled to find more reasons to persuade her. I just couldn't allow her to go through with this. Then as I stared at her desperately an idea came to mind.

The next few minutes seemed to be slow. I acted on my own instincts and marched forward to grab ahold of the gun.

We were in a battle, trying to get the gun out of the other's grip. My mom was adamant though as she held on.

The gun was in my hands and then the next thing I knew, my mom fell to the floor, blood pooling around her.

I screamed loudly.

Didn't expect that now did you? Yes, Cassie is pregnant but it doesn't seem like for much longer.
Honestly, Cassie wasn't supposed to get shot, Ariel was, but then I suddenly got an evil idea. This is way better than my original idea so don't worry.

(By the way this happened at the same time Justin and Gemma fought. Also it is Friday)

Who do you think pulled the trigger? Why did Ariel react that way when she found out?

This story is just getting even more juicy.

Hope you enjoyed. Please share, vote and don't be a silent reader, comment down below.

Buh-bye 😘.

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