Chapter 10

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As the night lulled on, I was totally wasted because I had taken up to at least ten more tequila shots.

I was on the dance floor, my body moving to the song that was currently playing. It wasn't familiar but I liked its fast beats and rhythm.

I had lost the girls at some point during the night but I didn't seem to care. My common sense had retreated to the back of my head and that's why I couldn't think coherently. I was making all sorts of bad decisions but I didn't care because I wanted to forget. Forget about my mom, and Robbie and his apparent hold over me. Forget about my evil past and forget that it ever happened just for one night.

So that's why I didn't care or object against the pair of arms that were around my waist, pulling me against a hard rock body. I didn't object in fact I just continued dancing and grinded against the foreign body.

Justin's POV

I narrowed my eyes at the boy Ariel was dancing with. She was beyond drunk at this point and so I wasn't surprised that she didn't object to the boy but instead grinded against his body. Something stirred inside me and I just couldn't look at the scene anymore than I had to.

I looked back at the guys, who had a drunk Gemma and Ashley sitting beside them, drinking some vodka.

"What's wrong, dude?" Jake asked as he took in my sudden silence.

"I don't know... That boy looks familiar doesn't he?" I questioned as he really did look like someone I had seen before.

Carter and Jake looked over at Ariel for a few seconds before looking back at me, a smirk evident on each of their faces.

"So, she's not your type, huh?" Carter teased and I growled at him.

" Does he look familiar or not?" I asked annoyed.

"He does look familiar" Jake squinted his eyes to have a better look at the lad.

"But where the hell have we seen him before?" I mumbled to myself. I pondered on it for a few minutes, a bad feeling swirling in the pit of my stomach.

It suddenly clicked in my head but as I looked up, they were already gone.

"Shit" I cursed, jumping up out of the seat, my eyes trained on the spot where Ariel stood just a few minutes ago.

"What? What's wrong?" Jake deadpanned.

"It's one of Ronnie's fucking henchmen" was all I said before I ran out of the club.

Ariel's POV

I giggled as the man led me out of the club, through the back entrance.

"Where are we going?" I slurred but I didn't really get a verbal response as he backed me up against a wall.

Now, seeing the man's features, he had brown hair and blue eyes. A sharp jawline and a set of thin lips, which were set into a smirk.

"Don't you worry about anything, cutie" he responded, before attacking my neck, placing wet kisses along it.

I moaned as he sucked on my sweet spot but I knew that this was wrong. I need to get out of here, I thought.

"N-No" I made a feeble attempt of pushing him away but he stood his ground, not moving at all.

How could I get myself in this situation? It reminded of when I was six years old, men were coming in and out of my room, using me and I couldn't do anything about it. Except the difference is I walked into this myself.

"Girls like you are easy targets" he laughed sadistically. He hitched up my silky dress above my hips, his hands traveling up and down my body. I was suddenly reminded of Robbie's attack on my lips earlier and I bit my lip, to stop the sob building in my throat.

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