Chapter 37

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Ariel's POV

"Harry better have used protection" Robbie murmured into my ear. "Because I might kill him if he didn't"

He grasped the piece of rope in his hand and tightened around my wrists. He lifted my chin up roughly.

"Don't be so upset. After the police searches die down then we can move you elsewhere. Where they won't find us"

I scoffed at him in response but he only tightened his hold. A dangerous glint appeared in his eyes though I tried to appear unafraid.

I would never give him the satisfaction of seeming weak.

"Don't make me angry" he warned me, while gritting his teeth. "Trust me when I say you have yet to see me at that peek, Ariel. So don't let me do the same to you that has your mother lying in that cooler"

I remained silent after that. He seemed to smile in happiness as he gave me a forced kiss on my lips.

"Good girl"

As he continued to fasten me to a pillar, I heard the shed entrance opening and then Harry's gruff voice.

"Robbie, Asher's here"

I stiffened as only two thoughts rang through my head. The fact that maybe someone else was involved in this and that the name sounded familiar.

Why did the name sound like I've heard it recently?

"Send him in and make sure he wasn't followed"

My body tensed further as I anticipated the new arrival. He was giving me wary vibes as my mind screamed at me.

My answer came sooner than expected.

A man came storming in with Harry not far behind a few minutes later. He seemed to ignore my presence as he sauntered towards the man before me. His hair was black and his familiar dark eyes struck panic in my heart.

Asher. Gemma and Justin's dad.

Dizziness enveloped my brain as more than one thought crossed my mind altogether. Especially at the thought of him being apart of this. The same person who ruined Justin's life was also ruining mine as well.

Was he helping Robbie all along? When he came back to town, was it really for his children?

"You fucking bastard" he started yelling. "Did you really think that I'd forget our deal? Do you know how many customers I've lost because of you?"

"I know the deal we made, Asher, and you will get your 25% but I won't give you Ariel. She is mine and I will choose what to do with her and whosoever will touch her"

"There are so many clients willing to take her off your hands. She could be worth thousands-"

"Do you want your share or not?" Robbie interrupted daringly, challenging him with his eyes to say no. "That's what I thought. The money is inside the cabin and I will lead you to it. Afterwards, I want you gone, Asher. I don't want to see you again after this"

"Come on" The men soon exited the small shed, leaving me alone and dread filling my mind.

"Shit" I cursed, pulling against the thin rope urgently. Tears filled my eyes until it was spilling over at the overwhelming emotions I felt.

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