Chapter 27

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Ariel's POV

I lost my virginity at six years old. It was to a drunk stranger who didn't give two shits about the aftermath. He just took what he wanted and then he left.

Ever since then, I drilled into my brain that all men are the same. They are selfish, rude, self-centered and controlling. They are apathetic and uncaring.

I always convinced myself that men are predators. They look for their prey and go in for the kill without even thinking about anybody but themselves. It doesn't matter if you say no, or if you tell them off, they do what they please anyways.

I have lived my life with this mindset, and I never thought that I would be proven wrong. But I have and my reality comes in the form of Justin King.

I slowly descended the stairs but stared in confusion as I saw a nervous looking Carter. Justin stood on his left and Jake on his right, while Ashley stood at the base of the steps.

"Good morning, Ariel" she smiled and I returned the gesture.

"Good morning?" I replied, my eyes flickering between each individual.

"This idiot over here" she pointed to Carter who glared at her intensely. "has come to apologize for last night's fiasco"

"I'm sorry about what I did last night. It wasn't my place to pry" he mumbled. "But in my defense, the alcohol makes me act like a...."

"an asshole" Ashley piped up.

"Can you just shut the fuck up?" Carter snapped back irritatedly. I raised a questioning eyebrow at the couple who continued to bicker back and forth.

"... Maybe if you weren't such an alcoholic then you wouldn't have to be apologizing to her"

"Oh really, I'm the alcoholic. Says the girl who lost her virginity to one"





"Okay, guys" I interrupted them, staring at Justin and Jake, who both looked completely amused.

"Carter, it wasn't really much of a big deal but thank you anyways" I thanked him, walking down the last step.

"Where are you going?" Justin questioned, blocking my path to the door.

I rolled my eyes, a smile tugging at my lips.

"Okay, dad, since you need to know everything I'm going to do, I'm going to the hospital to visit my mom" I teased him and he rolled his eyes as well.

"Are you sure about that, Ariel" Jake asked. "Your mom is kinda..."

"batshit crazy " Carter finished.

I chuckled. They had surprisingly taken it well when I informed them. Of course, I had to tell them about it too as they would need to know why I'm residing with the Kings now. Plus they are my friends too.

"Yeah, I'm sure" I nodded. "Plus my mom might come around one of these days to keep the baby"

Lies. Completely hopeless lies.

"Just give her a few days, Ariel " Ashley advised." Surely she can't abort her own baby"

You really don't know my mom at all.

"Yeah" I lied easily. "I'm sure she won't either"

"Why don't you let me drop you off?" Justin suggested and I immediately denied it.

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